Plan to Retrieve Personal Items

Posted May 27, 2020

Thank you for your patience and understanding about the restricted access to the school building. Parents will be able to pick up students’ personal items on June 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Please refer to the table in the linked plan to see the times scheduled for each name.  Times are spaced according to the first letter of the student’s last name.  This will help reduce wait times because entry into the school will be controlled and limited.  Parents are asked to come alone, as no children are allowed into the building.  Exception: students with lockers may accompany a parent; however, students are not allowed to enter without a parent.  Please do not come to the school if you are sick, show any signs of having COVID-19, have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19, or have travelled out of the country in the last two weeks.

Plan To Retrieve Personal Items (Google Doc)

Plan To Retrieve Personal Items (.pdf)


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