Weekly Update

Posted November 15, 2020

Bullying PreventionThis week is Bullying Prevention Week and we are making this a special focus, but truly, every week is bullying prevention week at our school as we work continuously to help children grow to be more tolerant and more inclusive of others.  It is an apt week to commemorate those who have died in incidents of anti-transgender violence.  Friday is the Transgender Day of Remembrance.  We will honour those who suffered and who suffer by working hard to send loving, accepting young people out into the world who will work to make it a better place for everyone.

Our bus drivers are having a difficult time turning the corner from Lemon Street to St. Catherine Street because there are often cars parked very close to the corner, outside the permitted parking area.  This causes them to have to reverse on the narrow street with all sorts of children walking to school.  If you drive your child to school, then please comply with the parking signs for the safety of everyone.

Teachers are noticing that some students are ready for a restock of basic supplies like pencils, erasers, and markers.  Please check in with your child.  We are working to avoid sharing items as much as possible this year, so it is ideal for each child to have their own supplies.  That being said, if that is a challenge for you right now, then don’t worry.  There are classroom items for all to use and they are disinfected daily. 

DiwaliFor families who celebrate Diwali, this weekend would likely have been very different from a traditional celebration with large family groups gathering to celebrate the triumph of the light over the dark.  I hope everyone is able to celebrate in some way.  Now more than ever, the message of Diwali is inspiring and hopeful and what we all need.  Happy Diwali, everyone!

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