Weekly Update

Posted November 22, 2020

Snowy TreePlease have a look at the information below to read important information about inclement weather days.  Bus cancellation days will look much as they always have with the school open to students who can safely get there, but system shut-downs will become online learning days with staff and students working from home.

You will also find a letter in our news feed from Dr. Mercer, our Medical Officer of Health, that outlines important actions we should all be taking to limit the spread of COVID-19.  The more cases there are in the community, the more likely children are to come to school with the virus.  That has a huge impact on everyone at school.  Please let’s all continue to do our part even though it is very hard.  We all want to stay at school!

If your child rides a bike to school, especially along Lemon Street, then please remind them to stay to the right rather than zigging and zagging across the road.  Parents have let us know they are worried about safety there in the mornings.

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