Specific Expectations for School (Revised September 2023)



The students and staff at Maryborough Public School are expected to be kind, honest, and respectful role models and leaders. They will work to build a variety of academic strategies, self-regulation strategies, engage collaboratively, and take responsibility for their actions or choices.

Entering the Building

  • Students will enter the building respectfully and will use the coat bays appropriately

In the Hallways

  • Students are expected to walk quietly and safely, keeping hands and feet to themselves
  • Use the washroom and water fountains appropriately
  • Keep Maryborough PS clean by using garbage cans and recycling bins

During Class Time

  • Demonstrate a growth mindset, advocate if they experience difficulties, and show resiliency (it might take more than one attempt to be successful)
  • Understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process
  • Utilize self regulation and Zones of Regulation strategies when feeling dys-regulated
  • Treat people, materials and school equipment with respect and courtesy
  • Come to class prepared to learn
  • Follow all classroom expectations and instructions
  • Ask permission to leave the classroom

On the Yard

  • Follow rules of safety, fair play, and cooperation
  • Take responsibility for choices and actions; utilize conflict resolution strategies
  • Utilize self regulation and Zones of Regulation strategies when feeling dys-regulated
  • Demonstrate respect for themselves and others
  • Listen to staff and supervisors
  • No body contact, rough play, or play fighting
  • Snowballs, hard balls, golf balls, skateboards, scooters, hockey sticks are prohibited on school property
  • Use appropriate equipment in the designated play areas
  • No food or drink is allowed outside
  • Use appropriate language
  • Report emergencies to supervisors immediately
  • Respect nature and the environment

During Assemblies

  • Listen attentively and participate appropriately
  • Use polite applause

Using Technology

  • Understand and follow the UGDSB Acceptable Use Policy
  • Report inappropriate uses of technology
  • Respect the privacy of others
  • Accept responsibility for the security of their username and password
  • Use the internet, programs, and apps responsibly
  • Texting, cell phones, and devices from home (BYOD) used under the direction of staff
  • Devices may be used in the classroom; not on the yard, in the hallways, or in the washrooms

Breaks and Lunches

  • Students are to remain seated during eating time
  • Permission is required to leave the lunch room
  • The adult on duty will dismiss students (not the bell)
  • During indoor recesses, students will remain in their homerooms

Bus Expectations

  • Students will line up on the hard top
  • Follow the instructions from the staff supervisor to load and unload the bus
  • Follow all bus expectations, including remaining seated on the bus, speaking quietly, not using inappropriate language, and keeping hands/feet to themselves
  • Enter and exit the bus in an orderly fashion
  • Listen to the driver


At Maryborough PS, we expect that our students will treat others the way they would like to be treated; including demonstrating: respect, honesty, care, and kindness toward others. This includes, but is not limited to: treating others respectfully while at school (i.e., in the classroom, on the yard, while using technology, and on the bus), not engaging in language that is inappropriate or that puts down a person based on things beyond their control (i.e., body type, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, etc.), keeping ones hands/feet to themselves (and not using their bodies to hurt others), ensuring everyone is kept safe, while making age-appropriate choices and decisions. If students make mistakes, are frustrated, or experience conflicts with others, we expect they will be honest and take the time to actively resolve these concerns.

The following strategies will be utilized at Maryborough Public School:

  • Character Education and Conflict Resolution strategies and programs
  • Use of the Zones of Regulation program to promote self-regulation strategies
  • Conversations with staff and peers
  • Utilizing models based on the concepts of peer mediation and/or peer counseling
  • Being sensitive to unique circumstances and mitigating which may affect student behaviour
  • Maintaining contact with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and involving them in a plan to improve the behaviour until the behaviour is acceptable.


Specific supports and interventions at Maryborough PS may include: problem solving discussions, conflict mediation, specific modelling of behaviours, participation in self-regulation skill building (i.e., Zones of Regulation), discussions (with in-school staff, parents, or Board staff), positive reinforcement (i.e. verbal, sticker charts, etc.), recess plans, check-ins (i.e., after recess), use of safe spots or safe people, restorative justice conversations, or referral to outside organizations. Consequences at Maryborough PS may include: verbal reminders, collaborative conversations (with staff, students, parents), peer mediation, apologies (verbal, letters), withdrawal of privileges, detentions, time in the office, or suspension.