UGDSB seeking applicants for Police Presence in Schools Task Force

Posted July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

GUELPH, Ontario – During the June 23 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees created a motion to create a Police Presence in Schools Task Force.

As part of this task force, the UGDSB is seeking applications from community members and/or individuals.

Criteria for the Police Presence in Schools Task Force Review includes:

  1. An Interest in being part of a committee that will review and assess police presence in schools.
  2. A resident within the UGDSB who supports the public-school system.
  3. A member of a community organization and/or agency. If you are not a member of a community organization and/or agency please include a letter of support indicating whose voice you are representing.

Applicants must complete the application stating reasons for applying and must be available to participate in meetings.

The UGDSB is mindful of traditionally under-represented voices, especially BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Colour) and will make a specific effort to reach out to this community for Task Force representation.

For more information and to view the application form and guidelines, please click here.

Applicants are to submit an application to [email protected] by Monday, August 10.

Categories: News