Adult Learning

Adult-focused learning happens in many ways and in many contexts just as all adults’ lives differ. We offer a wide variety of programs to help you reach your goals. If you have flexibility during the day, and want to have teacher-guided instruction, we have day classes that run every day (hours vary by location) that allow you to complete a credit in 5 – 6 weeks.
If your schedule is not as flexible, we have independent learning programs that are completed at your own pace with minimal teacher support within a six month window; or if you prefer an online environment, we have teacher taught e-learning courses. Whatever your preference, we have a course that can work for you. Don’t put off your dreams any longer – come in and see us to find out what can programs can work for you.
As an adult learner, you may earn credits through:
Summer School (onsite or eLearning)
Dual Credit Program (in conjunction with local colleges)
For more information about any of these credit opportunities, contact us.