Extended Day Program
School Name: Centennial Hylands Elementary School
Third Party Child Care Operator: YMCA of Greater Toronto Area
Hours of Program:
Before School: 7:00 am – 8:45 am
After School: 3:15 pm – 6:00 pm
Fees Charged:
Before School- Extended Day Program: $13.00/day/child
Before School- School Age Program: $12.90/day/child
After School- Extended Day Program: $20.00/day/child
After School- School Age Program: $18.20/day/child
Extended Day Combo (Before School and After School): $25.50/day/child
School Age Combo (Before School and After School): $21.00/day/child
*At their discretion, the Operator may increase rates during the school year
Age of Students: Students that attend Centennial Hylands ES: Extended Day (JK/SK) and School Age (Grade 1-6) for 2015-2016
Non-instructional Days that Program will operate on:
The Operator will determine the needs of each school year for all PA Days and School Breaks
Contact Information for Third Party Child Care Operator:
YMCA of Greater Toronto Area
Kirsten Almand
Cell – (519) 215-0936