Student Attendance
We welcome each student to school each day. We know that a child’s attendance at school has a significant influence on their learning. There are times, however, when students because of illness, appointment, or rare personal obligations, cannot attend school. On these days, please phone the school and leave a message. Your assistance with this is highly appreciated and ensures that all students are accounted for.
Students are also encouraged to be punctual. Except in cases of illnesses, students should attend class each day. This includes special events and field trips. If your child cannot participate in a planned activity (e.g. overnight trips, skiing, skating, seasonal activity) an alternate program is always provided by our teaching staff.
If your child is going to be late or absent, please phone the school prior to 8:30 a.m. or send a note with a sibling. Attendance is also taken after second nutrition break for Intermediate Students, so if your child(ren) will not be returning to school after the break, please contact the school at this time, as well. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message on the attendance line with your child’s name, teacher and reason for absence. If your child arrives late for class, he/she must check-in at the office. Also, if your child leaves the school during school hours, he/she must be signed out at the office by whomever is picking him/her up
Attendance Line – 519-925-2142 X100