School Covid-19 Case Information

Posted March 6, 2021

School Case Information

Date: March 6th, 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian/Staff,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that an individual from Parkinson Centennial P.S. has
tested positive for COVID-19. Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) and the
school are taking all necessary steps to prevent the further spread of the virus both in the school
and in the community.

What will Public Health do?

  • WDGPH will contact the individual(s) who tested positive for COVID-19 as well as the school and
    bus consortium/company (if applicable).
  • WDGPH will contact (by phone or letter) all students, staff, visitors who are determined to be a
    high-risk contact of the individual(s) who tested positive.
  • Staff/students who are not contacted by Public Health, are not considered a high-risk
    contact. They should continue to monitor and screen for symptoms of COVID-19 daily, practice
    hand hygiene, wear a face covering, and practice physical distancing.


What will the school do?

  • The school will provide WDGPH with information about who the individual was in close
    contact with while at school (including before and after school care). *
  • The school will clean and disinfect all areas where the individual may have been.
  • The school will work with Public Health to develop a plan to protect all students and staff, and
    prevent the spread of COVID-19.

What should you do?

  • Continue to monitor and screen for symptoms of COVID-19 using the COVID-19 School and Child
    Care Screening tool daily.
  • Staff or students who develop symptoms of COVID-19 should immediately isolate from others and
    follow the guidance in the screening tool.
  • If you receive a call or letter from Public Health, follow the directions provided.

How do you get more information?

  • Visit the school website for more information. Also visit the “For Schools” section of the WDGPH
  • *Note: Personal health information may be provided to schools only for the purpose of contact tracing.

The name of the individual who tests positive for COVID-19 will not be disclosed publicly to parents,

staff or other students.

Categories: News