School Organization

Posted April 23, 2021

Thinking about next year….


We are currently in the process of setting up our classroom organizations for next fall.   These class placements are temporary until we reorganize in mid September.  At the moment we are basing our school organization on having no remote options. But as you know this may all change if we are still battling Covid when we return at the beginning of September 2021.

Placement of students in classes requires much thought, time and effort.  As difficult as it may be, please allow the staff at Rickson Ridge to make the decisions concerning the 2021/2022 class placements for your children.  Our criteria include learning styles, teaching styles, the needs of students and the resources available to support these needs, be it either staff or time.

There are many factors that go into this, and it is with much care and thought that our Teachers finds the best placement for each child. It is a team decision.

If you feel your child requires special consideration, please put your thoughts in writing addressed to me ([email protected])   before May 31st 2021.

Please be advised that parent requests will not automatically be honored as we must make academically appropriate decisions for every child in our school.  Teacher requests or requests that include another family’s children are difficult to accommodate.

Thank you in advance, and please know that as a staff, we are committed to making the start of the new school year positive for all.

Best Regards,

Gillian Muir


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