March School Council Minutes

Posted April 2, 2023


Salem Public School Council

March 21, 2023

Start 6:33pm

Attendees: Kyla Lightfoot, Courtney Ecclestone, Lauren Shelby, Andrea Catteau, Johanna Hilditch, Thomas Samson, Lisa Wyatt & Vanessa Cordes


Approval of Minutes: Andrea Catteau approves & Courtney Ecclestone seconds.

Teachers Report: (Amanda Marson)

  • Students enjoyed the activities planned and facilitated by Mrs. Lambier’s class the Friday before the March break.
  • Forest of Reading Program happening in the library until the end of April.
  • The Junior Green Team has some initiatives happening in the next few weeks in honor of Earth Day.
  • Colour House begins again next week.

Principals Report: (Kyla Lightfoot)

  • The Grade 6 trip to the YMCA camp has been approved and parents are excited to volunteer to support this overnight experience
  • Grade 6s will be selling ice-cream sandwiches on Friday’s for $2 each to continue to offset the cost of this trip
  • Extra pizza slices each week will be sold for $1.00 each and we will use this money to offset the increased cost of field trips.
  • Teachers continue to support exciting extracurricular activities for students such as hockey and basketball intramurals and STEM activities to prepare students for Skills Canada
  • Teachers in each division are implementing consistent literacy practice throughout the school based on recommendations in the Right to Read Document.  The research in this document is helping us to create effective programming for all and to recognize and address more specialized student reading needs.

Treasurer Report: (Courtney Ecclestone)

Fundraising $8411.17

General $498.89

Milk $0

Nutrition $6970.66

Parent engagement $430.81

Playground $4364.12

Playground Maintenance $668.77

Student activities 0

Teacher Allocations $0

Charitable Lunches $0

Total: $21344.42


  • JD Sweid Chicken – raised $2980 to support our school. Great job Salem Public!
  • Fundraising ideas for next year 2023/24 were discussed with a potential plan set. This will be shared with families in the fall 2023.
  • Andrea Catteau will connect with the contact at Krispy Kreme to pre book next year’s date approx. end of September/ early October if no available dates for those months, then April. The last council meeting of the year (May 16th) we’ll be wanting to have the Krispy Kreme fall 2024 fundraiser date chosen as it needs to be pre booked and was our biggest money intake fundraiser. We will book for approx. 800 dozen.

Totals for this year’s fundraising (so far):

Funscrip: $767.01

Mabels Labels: $53.91

Raise the Dough: $627.00

Krispy Kreme: $4357.25

JD Sweid: $2606.00

Total: $8411.17 


Other/ New Business:

  • Spring picnic- Pizza is a food choice as it is good money, as well as a desert option (ice-cream sandwiches and a non-dairy option). No provided drinks this year, if everyone could bring their own in a reusable bottle that would be great and will help cut down on litter. Probably will be held on June 1st. This will be communicated to families and available to purchase on School cash.
  • Spring Raise the Dough will be April/ May, likely a Thursday. TBD when we speak with Dominoes representative.
  • Final 2022/2023 school year council meeting will be May 16th
  • Kyla has connected with Creative Playgrounds who will give us an estimate for the line painting for the Tarmac once we confirm, using the Student Survey, which games we would like. They plan to have the work completed this spring.  Thank you for the generous donations!


Last 2022/2023 council meeting:  May 16th @ 6:30 pm in the library. All welcome.

End 7:49pm

Categories: School Council News