A Year End Message For All SIB Students and Families

Posted June 25, 2020

Dear SIB students and families,

I believe it is accurate to state that this school year has been unlike any other! The events that have unfolded around the world in the last few months have impacted us all individually and our school community as a whole. Saying that, I am optimistic that we will have a positive school start in the Fall and I look forward to welcoming each and every student back to SIB no matter how the start of school looks in September. 

Congratulations to all of our Grade 8 graduating students for their accomplishments and I wish them all the best in the future. I know they will represent our school well wherever they go and I am proud of each and every one of them. The sky’s the limit for you all!

It is also important to thank all SIB students and their families for quickly adapting to our new temporary school life online. It was a huge shift in a short amount of time and I want to recognize everyone’s part in participating in distance learning. Thank you and have a great summer!

Also, staff need to be recognized for the amazing job they did in changing how they taught and supported all students through distance learning. This was no simple challenge, with many steep learning curves. Every staff member faced it head on and I want to publicly acknowledge them all for the work they did. Thank you SIB Staff!

It is important to recognize that during all the change there was still time for fun along the way! I was able to pop in to many Google Meets for birthday wishes, sing songs and stories! I got to see lots of smiles, see students connect with their teachers and more importantly, with their friends. We were even able to do some fundraising! I’m proud to announce that SIB raised $400 for the Heart and Stroke #VirtualJump. Thank you Mrs. Reeds for organizing this. Way to Go SIB! 

Report cards for all students in Kindergarten to Grade 7 have been mailed and should be arriving at your homes soon. When they arrive, be sure to celebrate your success and look to set some solid goals for the future. I am proud of the achievements of every student at SIB this year and I look forward to witnessing even greater accomplishments in the future!

As for returning in September, the details for start up are still being worked out. We will do our best to communicate the plans for returning to school as quickly as possible once they have been provided to us and a thoughtful SIB specific plan has been formalized. Families are encouraged to continue to check our school website: https://www.ugdsb.ca/sibps/ for updates.  Important information and updates will be shared via emails like this to keep everyone informed. Safety at school will be priority number one. Once the plan for returning to school has been shared with families, I ask that you reach out to me during the last week of August to share any individual concerns. I can be contacted by calling the school office (519) 824-1442.

I wish all SIB students and their families a safe and happy summer and a simple reminder to “Stay a safe distance and stay positive!”


C. Guyitt

Principal, SIB

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