Teach Your Child How to Put an End to Bullying at School

Posted March 24, 2022

Parents often think bullying is just a part of life.  But it should be taken seriously.  Bullied children become anxious.  Some end up not wanting to go to school.  Kids who bully others are often in pain themselves.  They use aggressive behaviour to cover up their shortcomings.  To stop bullying, parents can:

  • Watch for symptoms that your child is being bullied.

These include withdrawal, a drop-in grade, torn clothes and needing extra money or supplies.

  • Listen to your child.

Encourage him/her to talk about school and other kids.  Ask about the walk or ride to    and from school.

  • Show your child how to protect himself/herse

Practice walking with confidence.  Role-play how to stand up for yourself verbally.

If your child complains about another child, dig deeper.  Children are often embarrassed    or afraid to say they’re being bullied.  When probed, a seemingly minor complaint might reveal a more severe problem.

  • If your child is being bullied, tell the school.

Teachers can take steps to ensure your child’s safety.

  • Get together with other parents.

Ensure that children in your neighbourhood are supervised to, from and after school.

  • Teach your child the social skills he/she needs to make friends. If your child is a bully, get help.  Talk to a teacher, counselor or a child psychologist.

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