
Celebrating Pride Month in the Upper Grand DSB

Posted May 31, 2024

Dear Students, Parents/Guardians and UGDSB Community,

This week, the Upper Grand District School Board is kicking off Pride Month. As we approach this important time, it’s essential that we come together to ensure our schools are supportive, inclusive spaces for all students.

pride month flag

During June and throughout …

Read more about Celebrating Pride Month in the Upper Grand DSB »

Pride flag to be flown during the month of June

Posted May 28, 2024

Westminster Woods will be flying the Pride flag during the month of June, with a flag raising ceremony held on June 3.

For more information about the Pride flag, why it is flown, our inclusivity policy and support, please see more information here.

Professional Activity Day Description – June 7, 2024

Posted May 27, 2024

Information for Elementary Parents/Guardians

Date: June 7, 2024

Length: Full Day

Topic AM: Curriculum

Topic PM: Report Card Writing

Entity Hosting: Upper Grand DSB


Elementary Staff will spend half the day focused on various math and literacy topics and strategies. The second half of the day will be dedicated to report card writing, as per the employee group collective agreements.


Morning (150 mins) – …

Read more about Professional Activity Day Description – June 7, 2024 »

UGDSB policy updates for May 2024

Posted May 21, 2024

At the May 14, 2024, Board Meeting, the following policy items were approved:

Policy 406 – Health and Safety (annual review; no change)

Policy 417 – Violence in the Workplace (annual review; no change)

Read more about UGDSB policy updates for May 2024 »

Tick Information

Posted May 9, 2024

If you have concerns you or someone you know has a tick bite, information on removing it and getting support determining if it carries Lyme disease can be found at

The Blacklegged tick is the species of tick that has the potential to carry and transmit the bacterium …

Read more about Tick Information »

Letter to families from the Minister of Education on changes to Provincial Code of Conduct

Posted April 29, 2024

Please see below for a letter from the Minister of Education, to Ontario parents/caregivers. To download a copy of the letter, please click here.

Dear parents,

For the first time in nearly a generation, our government successfully negotiated agreements with all teachers’ unions …

Read more about Letter to families from the Minister of Education on changes to Provincial Code of Conduct »

Every Day Counts! Student Attendance Support

Posted April 16, 2024

When it comes to student attendance at school, Every Day Counts! This week our tips for supporting your child’s attendance at school focuses on ways to involve the school. See below for some strategies you could try. 

Know that there are supports in your child’s school.  Connect with …

Read more about Every Day Counts! Student Attendance Support »

Every Day Counts! Why regular student attendance at school really matters

Posted April 5, 2024

In the UGDSB, we know how important school attendance and established routines are for students to build knowledge, skills and confidence. Regular attendance is more than just a requirement; it’s a critical building block for academic success, social development, and future opportunities. While we may face challenges that can make school attendance …

Read more about Every Day Counts! Why regular student attendance at school really matters »

Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Final Report

Posted March 20, 2024

GUELPH, ON – At the March 19, 2024, Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting, Upper Grand District School BoardTrustees received the “Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Final Report.”

The report will now be taken to the Board Meeting on April 9, 2024, for approval by Trustees, where there will be …

Read more about Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Final Report »

Professional Activity Day Description – April 8, 2024

Posted March 18, 2024

Information for Elementary Parents/Guardians

Date: April 8, 2024

Length: Full Day


Elementary Topic AM: Mathematics

Elementary Topic PM: Mental Health and Well-Being

Secondary Topic AM: Mathematics or Artificial Intelligence

Secondary Topic PM: Mental Health …

Read more about Professional Activity Day Description – April 8, 2024 »

Ministry of Education Parent Resource Flyer

Posted March 7, 2024

The Ministry of Education is pleased to inform you that the Parent’s Guide to Ontario’s Education System has launched.  

This new resource provides parents with helpful information that supports them to have a stronger role and actively participate in their children’s education. The guide covers a number …

Read more about Ministry of Education Parent Resource Flyer »

UGDSB introducing new grade 7/8 Mental Health Literacy Modules to support student mental health and well-being

Posted February 27, 2024

GUELPH, ON – The Upper Grand District School Board will be delivering modules to grade 7/8 students to enhance mental health literacy.   

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Education introduced a series of modules to support the existing mental health literacy expectations within the grades 7 and 8 Health …

Read more about UGDSB introducing new grade 7/8 Mental Health Literacy Modules to support student mental health and well-being »

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