November News 2020

Posted November 1, 2020

ImagesHere we are in the month of November.  And as you will see there is much learning to look forward to!

The first week of November is Treaties Recognition Week. This annual event honours the importance of treaties and helps students learn more about treaty rights and relationships. By learning more about our collective treaty rights and obligations, we can create greater understanding and nurture these relationships.

The week of November 16th – 20th is Bullying Prevention week.  We want all students to feel safe at school and we want students, staff and parents to know that we do have a process for determining if bullying is happening and steps to take to ensure it stops. If you know of anyone experiencing this type of interaction please report it to an adult in the school or access the “Online Bullying” reporting tool found on the board and school websites.


November 1 – Daylight Saving Time Ends

November 2 – 6 – Treaties Recognition Week

November 11 – Remembrance Day

November 16 – 20 – Bullying Prevention Week

November 17 – School Council Meeting – 7:00pm – virtually

November 19 – Progress Reports go Home

November 27 – PA Day – Parent Interviews


Treaties Recognition Week was introduced in 2016 to honour the importance of treaties and to help Ontarians learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships.  During this week the children in our school will have the opportunity to discuss treaties as a promise/agreement between two groups of people. We will also reflect on the meaning of the following statement read at all official gatherings within our school board:  Honouring the Land & Territory From the Anishinaabe to the Haudenosaunee and the Metis, these treaty lands are steeped in rich Indigenous history and modern traditions.  As a community, we have a responsibility to honour and respect the four directions, land, waters, plants, animals and ancestors. Today, this area is home to many Indigenous Peoples from across Turtle Island.   We acknowledge the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation of the Anishinaabek Peoples, on whose ancestral and treaty lands we teach, learn and live.   


Classes will be participating in a virtual Remembrance Day assembly this year to honour our Veterans and Fallen Heroes.   In lieu of money donation for poppies this year families who wish to donate can do so outside of school or by following the link below:


Bullying Prevention week is the week of November 16th-20th.  Classes will have the opportunity to take part in lessons, activities and announcements to continue their learning.  We will continue to support children to problem solve with each other and to go to a safe adult if they need support.  This year we will wear pink on Friday, November 20th to say “no to bullying”. 


Progress reports focus on learning skills or work habits, as well as strengths and next steps to assist in improving student learning in subject areas.  It will provide students and parents with early and specific feedback on the progress made during the first two months of the school year. There will be an opportunity for parent/teacher conferences. This is your chance to find out early in the school year how your child is progressing. Progress Reports will be sent home Thursday, November 19th.  There has been a PA Day set aside (November 27th) specifically for parent-teacher interviews to review the Progress Reports and Initial Observations.  More information will follow about setting up phone or virtual interview times.


Please ensure that you continue to screen your child daily using the following screening tool: 

You can also find it located on our William C. Winegard website: 

When your child has a symptom, we are required to contact parents and you must pick your child up immediately.  Please ensure you have a local contact to pick up if you are unavailable and inform the office of the contact.  Thank you for your ongoing support! 


With the wet and cold weather approaching, it is important that all students have both outdoor  and indoor shoes.  This is a safety issue as proper footwear reduces the risk of slips and falls and stepping on items which may cause injury.  Indoor shoes are also important so that students are protected in the event of a fire drill or event resulting in a school evacuation.


This is just a short note from the Library Learning Commons to inform you of our efforts to get books into kids’ hands this fall! Although students are unable to come into the library or to take books home, each class is getting a bin of new library books delivered to their classrooms every week. Students are each allowed to have one book to read for the week and they choose their book with assistance from the teacher. Ms. Upper has asked for feedback from staff to make sure that student interests and reading levels are taken into account as she packages a new set of books each week. So far this system seems to be working well and we will let you know of any changes to our book exchange procedures as the school year continues.



The School Council will continue to hold School Council meetings.  This year the meetings will be held virtually.  Our next meeting is scheduled:         November 17th at 7:00pm

If you would like to attend this meeting please follow the link in the school calendar.  

Everyone is welcome!


As a reminder we there are video surveillance cameras installed in several areas in our school. These areas are clearly marked with signage and video cameras are not being used in areas where students, staff and authorized visitors have a high expectation of privacy including change rooms, washrooms and staff rooms. Information obtained through video surveillance provides us with an additional way to enhance the protection of students, staff, the public and property. Should you have any questions please refer to the Upper Grand School Board’s Video Surveillance Policy #203.

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