Talking About Mental Health: Healthy Lifestyle

Posted February 1, 2021

Umbrella Theme: Healthy Lifestyle

This month at UGDSB we are bringing our focus onto healthy lifestyles.  Sounds easy, right? It may seem like eating well, getting enough sleep and prioritizing our own care and health is easy but for many of us this is not the case. From enhanced stressors that you may be facing during the pandemic and beyond – not everyone has the privilege to prioritize healthy living.  Sometimes, just getting food into our fridge, a roof over our heads or some extra time is not an option. As you explore healthy lifestyles I encourage you to consider, also, that there are many who may not have the same opportunities.  These are also important conversations to have with your children and youth.

Consider what it is that you can do that will add to your overall health. For some this may be changes in diet, more exercise or sleep. For others this may simply be the ability to find 5 minutes to breathe.  It will differ for everyone.

Here are some ideas for conversations and activities at home that you can do during February as we work on the theme of Healthy Lifestyles.

  • Talk with your kids about the importance of fresh air. Getting outside – whether it is stepping outside or exercising outside – can be very refreshing and also provide us with that bit of time to move around, reflect on nature, and, when we are able, to step out of our everyday routine. Physical activity can reduce stress, increase energy and confidence, enhance memory and help with sleeping.
  • Have everyone in the family keep a log of their eating for a day or two. What do you notice? Use this as an opportunity to discuss the ways in which this may be challenging in your household and/or how the availability of food is not always something everyone “just has”
  • Talk to your kids about sleep. Quality of sleep is as important as number of hours. Try to minimize electronics, caffeine, and sugar at least an hour before bedtime to give your brain time to detox.  Try different ways to help you fall asleep like deep breathing, listening to soothing music, etc.
  • Water is an important and valuable resource that we can use to enhance our overall health. Keep track of how much you drink daily and then challenge yourself to do a bit more. Drinking enough water daily can aid in better sleeps, and also helps to carry important nutrients to your cells.

Thanks to Edge Mutual who are the proud sponsors of the

Umbrella Project @ UGDSB

Categories: News