Progress Reports and Interviews

Posted November 19, 2020

Dear Aberfoyle PS families,

Progress Reports are going home with all students on Friday  November 20th. This is a chance to celebrate with your child(ren) all their hard work since the start of this unique school year. Please review the report with your child(ren) and talk about possible next steps for them and how you can support them from home. We couldn’t be more proud of all of our Aberfoyle students this year and we look forward to more success in the future!

Teachers will be in touch by email (by Friday afternoon) about how to sign up for an interview to discuss your child’s progress.  Due to our restrictions this year, interviews will be done by phone or Google Meet.

Friday November 27th is PA Day (no school for students) for interviews.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you are finding it difficult to schedule a time for interviews.

Categories: News