May, 2021 Minutes

Posted May 10, 2021

Alma Public School Council Meeting

Date: May 6, 2021

Council Executive:

Amanda Reid – Council Chair

Paula O’Donnell – Secretary

Betty-Sue Driedger – Treasurer

Shannon Spike – School Principal

Angela Ackroyd – Fundraising Chair

Crystal Schnarr & Betty-Sue Driedger – Snack Program


Council Members/Attendees:

Shannon Spike, Amanda Snowe, Betty-Sue Driedger, Amanda Reid, Crystal Schnarr, Paula O’Donnell, Angela Massey

Welcome (Amanda Reid):

-Motion to approve and accept last minutes by Amanda S, Seconded by Crystal.

Principal’s Report (Shannon Spike):

-Virtual Book Fair

-$42 profit

-will try again in the fall

-dates ended up being during lockdown


-on hold until next year

-Chrome Cart

-has been ordered – thank you

-older chromebooks are out in the community right now

-Funding Requests

–playground lines 

-JK orientation bags – on hold until lockdown is over – can’t encourage non-essential travel and 

ask parents to pick them up right now

-TVs in classroom

-Growth & Development Curriculum

-teachers have sent emails out to all parents

-also child abuse prevention information

-last year it was cancelled during vitual learning

-board gave the go-ahead this year to do it virtually so students don’t miss out on 2 years

-Grade 6 grad

-similar to last years

-gift bag, t-shirt, any awards

-slideshow to share online

-term 2 report cards

-will be electronic this year

-Fall 2021

-survey will be out shortly for families wishing to do remote school next year

-will not be able to switch to in-person if you choose remote

-registration will be around June 3rd

-cohorts will run similar to this year for in person learning

Teacher’s Report (no teacher present):

-everything is going well 

-some families are feeling overwhelmed

-have asked Shannon what the expectations are

-do what works best for your family

-your family’s mental health needs to come first

-report cards may have an I (insufficient evidence of learning) if some subject material has been skipped

-report cards are due to the office by June 11th

-Mrs Scott’s class won $100 for the mural contest

-cook book is almost done

-it’s really cute

-prize draws? Maybe during a virtual recess live


Treasurer’s Report (Betty-Sue Driedger):

-account balances: -fundraising general $8,083.88

-general $16.35 (account to transfer in/out)

-snack program $2,082.54

-playground $13,513.69

-items that have been paid:

-snack program $200

-scientists in the school for grade ½ $110

-scientists in the school for grade 3 $110

-potential expenses coming:

-scientists in the school for grade 5/6 and jk/sk

-kindergarten welcome bags (maybe) $100

-grade 6 farewell $225

-chromecart $2017.05

-$1900 was approved at last meeting

-motion by cover the extra $117.05 by Crystal, seconded by Amanda S.

-in the past 10% of all fundraising has gone to playground account

-keep some for gardening expenses

-this years fundraisers were donations, not fundraisers

-to determine at the June meeting


Old Business: 



New Business:

-Elmira Poultry fundraiser

-$1295 to school


Committee Updates:


-running one more fundraiser through the community

-First Aid Kits

-brochure based, give back is good

-will run shortly


-Snack Program

-no report



-things are sprouting

-hoping to set up a helping night next Wednesday

-Shannon to check with superintendent to see if that’s allowed

-will not be planting this year, just cleaning and removing


Next Meeting:  Thursday June 10th 


Categories: School Council