Welcome Back!

Posted January 9, 2018

Another new year begins – welcome 2018! We hope that everyone has had a chance to relax and enjoy some quality time with family and friends over the Holiday Season. The start of school, after a significant break, always provides a good opportunity to re-establish routines that will promote a positive learning environment for our students.

As a school, we will be  “Looking Within” with a focus healthy bodies and healthy minds. For example, students and staff will be looking at ways to improve our daily lives by understanding the value of laughter and having fun. As well, again this year, we will be participating in the Bell Let’s Talk campaign. Stay tuned for other ways that the Gryphons will be “Looking Within”.  

Our calendar continues to be updated with January and beyond events. Our School Council meeting and the intermediate ski trip are just a couple of the things that have recently been added. Classroom communication, such as calendars, newsletters and/or emails, will also contain grade and/or class specific information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please be sure to contact the school. We really appreciate your involvement!

Wishing you and your family all the best in 2018!




Categories: News