Child Abuse Prevention

Posted April 5, 2024

April/May 2024

Child Abuse Prevention Policy and Program

 The Upper Grand District School Board places a high priority on the safety of our students.  The child Abuse Prevention Policy is evidence of our commitment to this priority.  The following is a quote from this policy:

“Every citizen in the community shares a responsibility for our children.  School officials and teachers share this collective community responsibility for creating safe and nurturing environments for children.  Under the Child and Family Services Act, this responsibility includes the legal requirement to report to the local Children’s Aid Society any suspected child abuse or other situations where a child may be in need of protection.  Teachers and other Board employees have a special opportunity to know and understand children during their most influential years of development.  They are in a unique position to be able to see early signs of maltreatment, and to know or hear about the abuse and neglect that is often suffered by children.”

As required in the Policy, we will be teaching age-appropriate lessons to help our students identify abuse and protect themselves from abusive situations.  The goal is to provide children with the tools they need to keep themselves safe. The lessons cover a broad range of safety issues including bullying, stranger danger and abuse by a known and trusted adult.

Students in grades one and three participate in lessons from the Red Cross Be Safe, while grade five students will be taught the Kids in the Know Child Abuse Prevention program by their classroom teachers with the support of the Child and Youth Counsellor.  There is no formal program in grade two, four and six, although the safety concepts are reviewed by classroom teachers informally.  Students in grade 7 will participate in a more age appropriate Red Cross program presented by the Child and Youth Counsellor entitled “It’s Not Your Fault.”

We encourage you to discuss with your child at home the concepts taught in the Child Abuse Prevention Curriculum.

For more information regarding the Child Abuse Prevention Policy and/or Programs please contact your child’s teacher, Natasha Skerritt (Prinicipal) or Rhonda Spindley (Child and Youth Counsellor).


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