Sept 15th – Weekly Email

Posted September 15, 2023

Hello Harris Mill families,
Our first full week has wrapped up and school is in full swing. Dot day was a huge success so please be sure to ask your children what they did in class today to celebrate this great book with a positive message (click here to hear the story). It has been a great week for students and staff to get to know each other better and to start outlining the learning ahead.
Please check out these important reminders and have a great weekend!

#1 Monday September 18th is a PA Day: Teachers and staff will be working on our new literacy plan this day. Please be aware that the school is closed to students.

#2 TERRY FOX RUN: This year’s Terry Fox Run At Harris Mill will occur on Friday, September 22nd. During the week leading up to the run, students will learn more about Terry Fox’s inspiring message and courageous journey through school announcements and classroom activities. This year’s theme is #DearTerry / #CherTerry where students are invited to write letters of encouragement for people facing obstacles and explain how they are continuing Terry Fox’s legacy. Please consider donating to the Terry Fox Foundation via School Cash Online.

#3 School Emergency Response Training and Annual Drills: Please click the link for info

#4 Harris Mill Open House: Everyone is welcome to attend the Harris Mill Open house on Thursday September 28th. The school and classrooms will be open from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. This is a great chance to see your child’s classroom and meet their teachers. School Council will also be there sharing ways parents and guardians can get involved with the school. See you there!

#5 Morning Drop Off Safety: To help us ensure the safety of all our students at Harris Mill, parents are asked to stay on the edge of the tarmac close to the yellow posts when dropping off their grade 1-5 child(ren) before school starts. If parents are dropping their child off late (Kindergarten to Gr.5) Please go to the front office doors and connect with the Office staff. Thank you!

#6 Pizza Days are Back! This great fundraiser for our school council has returned and all ordering is completed through the SchoolCash Online website. Pizza days will run on Wednesdays at second break from October 4 through December 13. There are 11 pizza days in this ordering period. Pizza days are: October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, December 6, 13. If there is an inclement weather school CLOSURE on a Wednesday, that pizza day will be moved to the end of the schedule (December 20th). If buses are cancelled but school is open, pizza day will run as scheduled unless otherwise communicated. If your student is absent on a day when they would have received pizza, refunds will not be given.
NOTE: Order deadline is September 29th

#7 Wanting to Volunteer at Harris Mill? We really appreciate and value all our parent and guardian volunteers who give up some of their time to help us out, whether that be in the school or on a field trip. To get started volunteering this year there are a couple of actions to take.
A) Anyone who is new to the volunteer role at Harris Mill must first contact Ms. Evans, our Office Coordinator, for full information on how to submit a vulnerable sector check.
B) Those volunteers who have already submitted a vulnerable sector check to the school previously must also see Ms. Evans to complete a quick annual offence declaration.

Please note: Following the UGDSB Policy 205: School Volunteers, your vulnerable sector check remains valid for 5 years, as long as you sign a yearly Volunteer Agreement withAnnual Offence Declaration.

#8 Cross Country Team and Meet: All Harris Mill students in grades 3 to 5 are invited to join the Cross Country Running Team if they choose to. Practices will be held at recess time over the next week. Our school will also be hosting the cross country meet on September 28th from noon to 2:00 p.m. Brisbane PS, Eramosa PS, Erin PS and Ross R. MacKay PS will be attending the meet as well as our athletes. The rain date is: Tuesday October 2nd.

The meet organizers are looking for 6 parent volunteers to help with the meet. Preferably it be volunteers who already have submitted their vulnerable sector check. If you are able to help please email Mrs. Larose at [email protected], Thanks!

#9 The New BusPlanner Delays App is now available: If your child(ren) ride the bus this app will display:
• Delay and cancellation notices for specific routes or runs
• School closure announcements for weather-related shutdowns
• General notices for all subscribers.
Click the link for more information:

#10 Forms to be returned to school: All students should have brought home a package of forms for parents to read. Some students have not returned the following forms which need to be returned as soon as possible to ensure student safety.
-Student Verification V22 (White)
-Consent to Share Personal Information (Green)
-Educational Field Trips Parental Information/Consent Form (Blue)

NOTE: If your child has a life threatening condition that requires the completion of a Life-Threatening Management plan please contact the school if you have not already done so. If the school is aware of your child’s Plan already and you received a copy at the start of the year for review please make any necessary changes and return it to the school as soon as possible.

Thank you for your help in getting the forms back to school in a timely manner.

#11 KidsAbility Occupational Therapists: are once again available to support in our classrooms. Please click here to read more.

#12 The Harris Mills Library and Learning Commons: is ready for students to borrow books! Students in Kindergarten can borrow one book at a time, and all others can borrow up to two books.
Your child’s classroom teacher will advise on their library exchange day.
Library books all have an “Upper Grand District School Board” barcode sticker on the top left of the book cover.
Access your child’s Library Account through the following link ( to view which books your child has checked out of the library and renew books. You will need your child’s OEN Number which can be found at the top of their most recent report card.

#13 BUSSING: Please ensure that you connect with your child’s teacher and/or the office if you are picking up your child at the end of any school day when they usually ride the bus. This will help to ensure that all students are accounted for who ride the bus at the end of the day. Also if you have any questions about bussing related issues you can check out or call Student Transportation Services Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm @ (519) 824-4119

#14 Year Book Pictures: Here at Harris Mill we have already started doing some amazing things and to record these memories we have already started working on this year’s yearbook! If you do not want your child’s photo to be included in any way in this year’s yearbook please make sure you contact the office to inform them of this request. Thank you!

Harris Mill Important Upcoming Dates:

Monday Sept 18th – PA Day (school closed)
Friday Sept 22nd – Terry Fox Run
Wednesday Sept 27th – Rowan’s Law Day (wear purple to show support for concussion awareness)
Thursday Sept 28th – Harris Mill hosting cross country meet
Thursday Sept 28th – Harris Mill Open House 6:30 to 7:30
Friday Sept 29th – Harris Mill’s day to honour Truth and Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day on Sept 30th (wear orange in support)

Categories: NewsNewsletter