Mid Week News & Reminders from Hyland Heights

Posted September 21, 2021

Good evening, 

A few reminders as we head into the rest of our week:

-Tomorrow, Wednesday September 22/21 is Picture Day! Bring your smile.

-Our Terry Fox run is this Friday, September 24th. Please bring a toonie if you are able. 

-Meet the Teacher is virtual again this year. Your child’s classroom teacher will be reaching out in the next week or so with more information.

-Please do the self screening with your child every school day. If your child does not pass the self screening tool they may not come to school as per Public Health protocols.


-If your child has COVID 19 symptoms during the school day and their sibling is not fully vaccinated, siblings must be sent home as well. 

-As a reminder if your grade ⅞ child has been given permission to go home at lunch, they must go home. We had a number of students gather in the Town Pavilion today at lunch. Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe. 

Have a great evening.

Categories: News