Our Last Bit of News/ Summer Update

Posted June 29, 2022

Good afternoon Hyland Hawk Families, 

It’s hard to believe that the school year is over for 21/22. We want to thank you for your support this year. It’s been a successful school year and we are proud of our students.

The last day for staff is June 29th and the school office will be closed for the summer at the end of the day. There is no access to families or staff over the summer due to construction. Please remember to remind your child (ren) to stay aware from the construction during July and August. Also take note that our primary climber (red/blue/ yellow) is closed for repairs. Students should also stay off this structure.

Please note that the first day of school for 22/23  is September 6th, 2022. The school day begins at 850am. More information about first day procedures will come before the start of school. 

New student registration day is August 30th from 1-4pm. Visit: 

www.ugdsb.ca/schools/admission-registration/ for information and registration forms.

We hope everyone has a fun, but yet relaxing summer. Stay safe and we’ll see everyone back in September.

Categories: News