Live Free Campaign

Posted February 6, 2024

Dear Hyland Heights Families,

Hyland Heights Elementary School and The Children’s Foundation are working hard to meet the growing need in our community, and that includes fighting food insecurity through our Help Kids Live Free from Hunger campaign. 100% of the funds raised between February 1st and March 1st will go towards providing healthy meals and snacks to students through our Hyland Heights Food & Friends student nutrition program. With your help, we can continue to provide healthy meals and snacks for our school community.

This year, the need is greater than ever. 1 in 5 children may experience food insecurity, and with rising food prices a healthy Food & Friends meal can cost up to $2.50.

Campaigns like Live Free help us continue to meet the growing need within our school community and ensure those most in need feel supported. We are encouraging families to donate toonies to fill the tummies here at Hyland Heights! Donations can be made through school cash online or by sending a cash donation to your child’s classroom teacher or the office.

Our breakfast and snack program is available to all students! Maybe they forgot their lunch or are going through a growth spurt and require additional food, or maybe they would like to try

the new food we are offering. For whatever reason, there is always food available to our students, so please encourage them to use the program if they would like to.

We hope you’ll join us in bringing healthy food to hungry minds!

Categories: News