Weekly Update

Posted November 8, 2020

PoppiesHere is your weekly update!

This coming week, we will begin our online announcements.  After O Canada, there will be slides each day on different topics and themes:  equity, well-being and mental health, school spirit/building community and also some fun stuff!  The experience will be much more interactive and engaging for students and teachers than listening to me drone on every morning.  Plus, teachers can choose the very best time during the first instructional block to share them with their students.  I’m excited about the opportunities for student voice using this model as well.

We will also have a virtual Remembrance Day assembly on Wednesday at 11 am.  M. Taylor has been working to get that ready to share.

The November theme for the Umbrella Project is Gratitude.  Click the link to discover a few ideas for your family to try, which will reinforce the work we will be doing at school this month.

Teachers and students explored the concept of treaties and their history over the course of last week.  That work will continue throughout the year.  We are also beginning to learn about the various celebrations of light that happen during November, December and January all around the world.  We will be starting with Diwali, which will be celebrated by Hindus on November 14th, this Saturday.

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