*Please note that these policies can be found in the JFR Student Handbook.
It is the policy of John F. Ross that students do not plagiarize. Those who do are subject to progressive discipline according to the following policy. Students are to be taught what plagiarism is and what consequences will be applied for any infractions. This instruction begins in the junior level in our school, and continues in all of our courses where research is required. Junior students (grade 9 and 10) are taught to understand the concept of plagiarism and academic dishonesty and to reference properly. Senior students (grade 11 and 12) are expected to be knowledgeable about the concept of plagiarism and academic dishonesty. They must be reminded of the teachers/departments/schools expectations and will be held fully accountable.
Plagiarism is the act of taking, using, and passing off another person’s idea, thoughts, writings, inventions etc. without acknowledging the source. These sources can include any of the following: essays, newspaper articles, literary journals, and composition, artworks, Internet sites, software, television programs, live plays or other oral presentations, recorded music, images, translations and movies, etc.
It is:
Unfair to honest students;
Preventing your own skill development;
Devaluing the diploma or degree;
Stealing intellectual property;
Destroying trust.
First Offence
Zero as a placeholder for a mark, until the assignment is handed in.
The student will be required to complete the project again under supervision in the in-school study room.
The student’s parent/guardian will be made aware of the situation by the subject teacher.
The student will meet with the Vice Principal to review the consequences of the action and review plagiarism.
The original assignment will be filed in the main office and a note will be placed on the students file by the Vice Principal.
Second Offence
Zero may be applied as an academic penalty after meeting with the teacher and the Vice Principal.
The student will be required to complete the project again, under supervision in the in-school study room.
Possible withholding of credit.
Meeting with the Vice Principal.
The student’s parent/guardian will be made aware of the situation and that this is a repeat offence.
Possible removal from the course.