Special Education

The Special Education Department at John F. Ross CVI serves nearly 400 students with identified or monitored special needs. The number of identified and monitored students accounts for approximately 20% of John F. Ross’ student population.

Students have access to resource through both formal and informal placements. Based on students’ needs, some students may have access to resource support services without formal placement or identification. Students in the School Community Work Transition Program (Life Skills) have either full-time special education or partial integration.

The resource room is available throughout the day to students who need a quiet work space, clarification, assistance wth work completion, use of a computer, extra time to complete tests or assignments, or access to other accomodations as indicated in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Special education teachers and support staff in the Special Education Department work to support students who have been identified as exceptional by the Upper Grand District School Board through an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC). Exceptional students will receive accommodations as defined by the Individual Education Plan (IEP), prepared by the Special Education staff and classroom teachers. An annual review of the student’s designation and placement takes place in the spring. Parents of students with learning disabilities should take note of the Learning Strategies (GLE) course offered. A list describing and defining key elements of the special education services is available.

UGDSB Parent Guide and Policies and Procedures: The Board’s Special Education Plan is available through the Board website. Copies of the Special Education Parent Guide are available online and at the school. Please contact the Special Education department to request a copy of the Parent Guide, or with any further questions