Welcome to ODSS!

Orangeville District Secondary School
Home of NGWEDWE, our friendly bear mascot
Call the school at 519-941-0491, ext. 250 to set up an appointment or have any questions answered
You are also welcome to email the school at – we will forward your inquiry to the appropriate person.
We have some videos which may help you become more familiar with us. Please view them when you have a few minutes, some are from previous years but hopefully they will give you an idea!
Join us for the Grade 8 Information Night on Thursday, November 28, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Learn why ODSS is a great school! Go Bears!
Scroll down to find some Virtual Parent Info, links to forms and documents (including course selection), and get some answers to Frequently Asked Questions!

Videos to Introduce you to ODSS:
(We recommend you use Google Chrome as your browser when watching the videos)
While many of these videos focus on the Grade 9 program, if you are joining us from another school in Grade 10, 11 or 12 we are happy to have you join us as well! Hopefully these videos will help introduce you to the school and you can see some of the great things that happen here every day!
Grade 9 Tech Rotation (includes Cooking, Welding, Contruction & Design) Grade 8 Night Tech Presentation Slides
Introduction to Grade 9 Math – from Kevin Downe, Math Department Head
Tour – A look at of our welding shop, industrial bakery, art room and drama room

Virtual Information for Grade 8 Parents/Guardians – Note this is a presentation that was prepared for our Virtual Info Night in 2022 but you may find it useful:
We hope you will:
Find out more about the Grade 9 elective courses (Art-Visual Art, Art-Drama, Art-Instrumental Music, Business, and Tech Welding-Design-Cooking-Construction Rotation). You will choose 2 of these courses (there are 5 to choose from).
Find lots of general information about high school.
Contact our Guidance Department or any of our Department Heads, using the contact info below, and we will be happy to answer your questions. You can also contact our Vice-Principals or Principals with general questions.
Meet our Student Support Services/Guidance Staff

Ashley Jamieson, Acting Head of Guidance

Carm Bradbury, Guidance Counsellor
Forms & Paperwork
If you are currently attending an UGDSB school, i.e. Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Mono Amaranth, Island Lake, Credit Meadows, etc. you can choose your courses using myBlueprint – Sign into your account and look for the myBlueprint box. We will be able to obtain your information electronically from your school.
If you do not currently attend a UGDSB school, i.e. St. Andrews, St. Benedicts, St. Peter’s, Caledon Central, Orangeville Christian School, etc., please complete the Student Registration Form and the on-line course selection form (this is where you choose your Grade 9 courses – we will be able to see the form after you submit it and we will match it with your registration papers that you submit to us).
Take a look at our Course Outline Book see what ODSS has to offer
We will also require copies of these documents along with your on-line course selection sheet:
Birth certificate or passport (copy may be provided to us electronically but we may need to see the original in the future)
Copy of your proof of residence – tax or utility bill or rental agreement that confirms your address
Copy of IEP if you have one.
Please also complete a Plan of Care form if you have any life threatening Illnesses or Allergies
You can complete/collect the above documents and e-mail them to or drop them at the school on school days during school hours.
Keeping in Touch with the School
You are always welcome to contact the school by phone at 519-941-0491 or email us at if you have questions or concerns.
We also recommend that you:
Questions & Help:
Registration/Course Selection Help: ODSS Guidance/Student Support Office – 519-941-0491, ext. 221 or
General Inquiries:
Contacts for specific questions:
For Course Selection/Guidance questions email
For I.E.P. and Spec Ed assistance email
To Contact admin: Principal, Vice-Principal Vice-Principal
Department Heads:
Business – Randal Mainland
Canada World Studies (Geography)– Paul Nelson
English – Susie Chamberlain
Fine Arts – Tim Neal
Guidance – Andrew Ethier –
Healthy Active Living– Darryn Stevenson –
Languages (French) – Crystal Voisin –
Mathematics – Kevin Downe-
Special Education (students with IEP’s)- Erin Kipps –
Student Success – Greg Hill –
Technology – Richard Alexander –
Science – Jen Coleman –