
Report Cards available June 21st 2023

Posted June 16, 2023

Final Report Cards will be available June 21st 2023 from the Parent Portal

Click here to access the Ottawa Crescent Parent Portal ⇒ HERE

If you have not already registered for the parent portal, instruction for this can be found HERE. You will need to register for the portal before you can access the …

Read more about Report Cards available June 21st 2023 »

June 2023 policy updates in the Upper Grand DSB

Posted June 14, 2023

At the June 13, 2023, UGDSB Board meeting, the following policy items were approved. All updates have been made on the board website (

Read more about June 2023 policy updates in the Upper Grand DSB »

Information: Air quality due to forest fires

Posted June 7, 2023

Environment Canada has issued a Special Air Quality Statement that covers all of Dufferin and Wellington. Smoke from local forest fires as well as forest fires in Quebec have resulted in deteriorated air quality. Poor air quality may persist throughout the week. We are monitoring the situation closely and are providing Environment Canada guidance to all schools.

Read more about Information: Air quality due to forest fires »

Air Quality Letter to Parents/Guardians

Posted June 7, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Environment Canada has issued a Special Air Quality Statement that covers all of Dufferin and Wellington. Smoke from local forest fires as well as forest fires in Quebec have resulted in deteriorated air quality. Poor air quality may persist throughout the week. We are monitoring the situation closely and …

Read more about Air Quality Letter to Parents/Guardians »

Celebrating Pride: Message from the Chair and Director of the UGDSB

Posted May 30, 2023

This week, the Upper Grand District School Board and our schools across the region are kicking off Pride Month. During the month of June and throughout the year, the UGDSB supports 2SLGBTQIA+ staff, students and their families by celebrating the joy of identity and centering 2SLGBTQIA+ histories, contributions and excellence. We are committed to this work and supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in all of our schools, offices and school communities.

Read more about Celebrating Pride: Message from the Chair and Director of the UGDSB »

Supporting Caregivers with Math at Home

Posted May 26, 2023

Caregivers have access to the UGDSB Games and Activities that Support Mathematical Thinking website. This website includes information about mindsets for math and the importance of math play, as well as games for Primary, Junior & Intermediate-aged children. 


Read more about Supporting Caregivers with Math at Home »


Posted May 26, 2023

Summer SAFETALK training sessions are available to parents/caregivers and guardians.  Please see the flyer for information and registration ⇒   safeTalk Flyer

Kindergarten Orientation June 1st, 2023

Posted May 19, 2023

  • Ottawa Crescent welcomes our newest wildcats Thursday June 1st 2023 @ 5:00pm for Kindergarten orientation.
  • There will be an opportunity to explore classrooms, participate in activities and meet some of the Kindergarten Team.
  • Please stay and join the festivities of Family Fun Night following the Kindergarten orientation

Family Fun Night June 1st 2023

Posted May 16, 2023


Free Webinars for Parents / Guardians / Caregivers

Posted May 16, 2023

These are open to any parents/guardians/caregivers and there is no cost associated.

Trauma Informed Practices  Webinar.pdf

Affirming Adults Webinar.pdf

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