Principal’s Message -April 1-5

Posted March 30, 2024

Principal's MessageGood morning Paisley families,

Dear Families,

Please remember to check our school website regularly for updated news and events. As part of the website, you will also have access to our school calendar with important dates.

PA Day

This is a reminder that our PA Day will take place on Monday, April 8, 2024.  Teachers will be at school participating in Professional Development and there will be no school for students.

Before and After School Supervision 

 Schools are responsible for student safety during school the 15-minute period before classes begin and at the end of the school day. This means that yard supervision is provided beginning at 8:30 in the morning and until 3:30 pm.

Please ensure that your child arrives at school and is picked up within the supervised times.


It is with sadness that we announce that Mr. Gillette will be leaving us. His last day with us will be Tuesday, April 2nd. Mr. Gillette seamlessly became part of our staff and we will miss him and wish him all the best in his future endeavors!


Mrs. Mc Cann and Mrs. Anderson

Categories: News