
EQAO – Parent and Caregiver Information Session

Posted February 15, 2023


There is a FREE live webinar to learn about EQAO assessment results and Ontario’s large-scale assessment program at the elementary-school level. 

March 28th @ 6:30pm 
April 4th @ 12:00pm.

EQAO will review highlights from the …

Read more about EQAO – Parent and Caregiver Information Session »

Exciting Fund Raising Update!

Posted February 14, 2023

The Palmerston Public School Council is excited to share the news that we have been successful in our fundraising efforts for phase 1 of the new school playground.   We would like to thank everyone for all your efforts to help us reach our goal and we can’t wait for the students to enjoy their new …

Read more about Exciting Fund Raising Update! »

Ham & Cheese Croissant Day

Posted January 26, 2023

Hello Families,

Hot lunch will be served today (Ham & Cheese Croissant).  For those who paid for lunch and are not in attendance due to busses being cancelled, they may choose to donate the money to School Council or request a refund.

Thank you!

*UPDATED* Parent Volunteers – Important Information

Posted January 17, 2023

Hello Families and Community Members,

Please find below the updated process required for volunteering in Upper Grand schools.  This process must be completed in order to work in our school in a volunteer capacity, including supervising field trips, volunteering with our food programs, or helping in a classroom.

Volunteer Process:

Contact the school to obtain a …

Read more about *UPDATED* Parent Volunteers – Important Information »

Registration for the 2023-2024 UGDSB Remote Program

Posted January 12, 2023

The Upper Grand District School Board is looking forward to continuing to offer the Erin Public School Remote Program for the 2023-2024 school year. This program is an option for elementary students only. While we believe that in-person learning best supports students, we recognize that some families may want their child to learn remotely, due to their unique circumstances. The decision families make about remote learning vs. in-person learning for 2023-2024 will be for the entire school year, as movement between learning modes during the school year can cause disruptions for students, families, and classrooms.

Read more about Registration for the 2023-2024 UGDSB Remote Program »

PPS Food Drive Thank You!

Posted December 16, 2022

A special thank-you to all students and families who donated to our School Food Drive this past week. We were able to donate over 1400 items to the Palmerston Food Bank. Thank-you for your generosity!


Read more about PPS Food Drive Thank You! »

PPS Food Drive Dec.5th-Dec.9th

Posted November 30, 2022

Palmerston Public School will be hosting a Food Drive on the week of December 5th. All donations will be going to the Palmerston Food Bank. If you are able to donate, the following are items that are the most sought-after items:

Canned goods (beans, soups, and stews)
Canned meats and …

Read more about PPS Food Drive Dec.5th-Dec.9th »

Inclement weather procedures for UGDSB schools

Posted November 18, 2022

With winter weather here, now is a great time to review the Upper Grand District School Board’s procedures for Inclement Weather Days.

Updated information has been posted on the UGDSB website outlining the different procedures for bus cancellations, school closures due to inclement weather, and more.


**A reminder to please follow our …

Read more about Inclement weather procedures for UGDSB schools »

Parent – Teacher Interviews: Online Booking System

Posted November 18, 2022

Book an Interview

You will need your child’s OEN to book an interview. The OEN is listed on the front page of your child’s Progress Report/Communication of Learning. The online system closes November 23rd at 11:00 pm.

If you are having difficulties, please contact your child’s teacher.

Progress Reports Ready For Downloading

Posted November 16, 2022

Go to the UGDSB website

Under the Parent tab, select Report Cards.

Select our school.

Please call the office if you need support.


Upper Grand collaborates with organizations to provide tutoring supports

Posted November 9, 2022

The Upper Grand District School Board in association with The Grove, TVOLearn, Streams Community Hub, Tutor Bright, and Reading Rocks is providing students at both the elementary and secondary levels with additional tutoring support and resources. These additional support and resources were made possible through funding provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Read more about Upper Grand collaborates with organizations to provide tutoring supports »

Grad Wear (Grade 8’s Only) & Spirit Wear (All Grades)

Posted October 19, 2022

We have school clothing available for purchase at the following site:

The site works in Chrome and Firefox only.

Our Access Code is: PSTO.PAL

The deadline for orders is November 16th.

If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Parents/Guardians invited to free webinar: Post-pandemic Mental Health

Posted October 17, 2022

Parents/guardians are invited to join a free webinar in November on post-pandemic mental health.

Join Kevin Cameron as he shares information and strategies relating to post-pandemic mental health for adults and children.

A survey by CMHA Ontario showed that nearly half (48 per cent) of Ontarians say their mental health has worsened over the past two …

Read more about Parents/Guardians invited to free webinar: Post-pandemic Mental Health »

Download school ventilation reports from the UGDSB website

Posted October 14, 2022

The Upper Grand District School Board continues to make board and school-based ventilation reports available in the 2022-23 school year.

The board report and each school report is available for download on the UGDSB website at

To access a specific school report:

Download the full report (Microsoft Excel document)
Click on the tab …

Read more about Download school ventilation reports from the UGDSB website »

Parents/Guardians: The next North Wellington Hub meeting is November 3, 2022

Posted September 22, 2022

Parents/caregivers with child/ren attending an Upper Grand District School Board school located in North Wellington are invited to join the North Wellington Hub. The next Hub meeting is November 3, 2022, at 7pm.

Read more about Parents/Guardians: The next North Wellington Hub meeting is November 3, 2022 »

Help the UGDSB make positive change – Complete the Student Census today!

Posted September 19, 2022

Everyone counts. Complete the Student Census today!

The “UGDSB Counts Student Census” launches today for all Upper Grand District School Board students in grades Kindergarten-12.

Participation in the Student Census will help the UGDSB make systemic changes that will create more equitable outcomes for all students.

The census is a confidential, voluntary survey for all students (K-12) …

Read more about Help the UGDSB make positive change – Complete the Student Census today! »

Wellness Works: Welcome Back!

Posted September 15, 2022

The Upper Grand District School Board is continuing with the Wellness Works monthly themes across all grades in the 2022-2023 school year.  For September we are once again bringing our collective focus to the theme of:  WELCOME, CONNECTION and BELONGING. 

Read more about Wellness Works: Welcome Back! »

New School and Child Care Screening Tool is available online

Posted September 1, 2022

The Ministry of Health and the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health have provided a new “School and Child Care” screening tool. It is recommended that students/children and visitors continue to self-screen for illness every day before attending school or child care using this updated Screening Tool.

Read more about New School and Child Care Screening Tool is available online »

Back to School! Information for students and families

Posted August 29, 2022

It’s back to school season! We are excited to welcome and welcome back all students and families to the Upper Grand. To help make the transition back to school smoother for our students and families, we are sharing a website with information about back to school.

Read more about Back to School! Information for students and families »

Register your child for school on August 30

Posted August 23, 2022

On August 30, 2022 from 1 PM to 4 PM, registration will open online for parents and guardians to register their child to their home elementary school.

Read more about Register your child for school on August 30 »

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