PMPS Weekly Update April 11th, 2024

Posted April 11, 2024

Good Evening Mustang Families,

It was another short, but busy week here at PMPS. We completed our severe weather drill successfully, our playground equipment is open, we had Orangeville Fire continue safety presentations to our kindergartens and grade 1/2s, and we recognized the International Day of Pink: Anti Bullying and Anti Homophobia awareness and Autism awareness. We had a phenomenal assembly with Michael Jacques who taught us about inclusion, empathy, and his writing process. A pretty great week. 

Please check out our website for School Council minutes from our April meeting. May 2nd is our next meeting at 6pm in the library. New members are always welcome.

Our Twitter account is full of updates, please check it out: @margaret_ps . I update our website regularly as well: . Our school council also posts to Instrgram @princessmargaretps. Please take a moment to have a look.

OPP Presentation for Parents in Person at PMPS April 23rd at 6pm with Officer Amy-Lynn Pitton: I am pleased to share that our OPP community engagement officer will be coming to PMPS on April 23rd at 6pm to host a one-hour parent information evening about how to keep your child(ren) safe online from bullying and predators. The officer will also take questions. All parents/caregivers are welcome. Children are not welcome to attend at the request of the officer, because of the subject matter. Please RSVP by email to: [email protected]  by April 19th at 3pm with the number of parents attending, so we can plan accordingly. The presentation is going ahead, so the more the merrier. 

Every Day Counts! Student Support Week 1: Is your child struggling with attending school? We are here to help! Throughout the month of April we will be sharing tips and strategies with parents/guardians to help encourage regular school attendance – because Every Day Counts!

This week, we are going to focus on strategies around attitudes and beliefs – try some of these tips at home!

  • Keep in mind that attendance issues can quickly escalate.  Parents/guardians need to intervene and reach out for support as early as possible before it becomes the norm.
  • Keep the expectation in your home of attending school and staying all day.  Don’t give up. Even if your child is anxious about school, ensure the expectation of regular attendance doesn’t change.  Work with the issue, not around it.
  • Talk to your child to find out what is behind them not wanting to go to school.  Anxiety can show up in a lot of ways and one of them can be not wanting to go to school. Encourage your child to talk back to their anxiety!  Tell themselves they can do it!
  • Ask questions about your child’s worries about school.  Although you know your child well, try not to assume you know the answers.  Keep an open mind. Validate your child’s concerns.
  • If your child is having difficulty with attendance try setting a goal with them such as if they attend for a certain amount of time, they can have a special treat or do a special activity.

For more information, please visit the UGDSB website: 

Every Day Counts! Student Support Week 2: We are continuing to share information to help families support their child’s attendance at school. Below are some tips you can try that involve the routines and the environment at home.

  • Practice consistent bedtime and morning routines with your child. 
  • Parents can model the same routine at home, as it helps students stick to the routine of coming to school each day.
  • Having a set schedule for sleep and nutrition is key to a good morning and feeling good about coming to school.
  • Preparing for school at night so that the morning is less hectic can be helpful.  Organizing clothing, packing backpacks and including favourite foods can be reassuring.
  • Putting out clothes and making lunch the night before can help get your child out the door in the morning.
  • If your child does refuse to attend school, try having no screens/devices during the time when they are at home. Make staying home as boring as possible! Shutting down the home Internet can be helpful if this is a draw for your child to stay at home.
  • Creating an environment conducive for improved sleep hygiene (e.g. dark room, quiet, sound machine, light in morning, consistent bed and wake times).
  • Ensuring at least 30 minutes of screen-free time before bed and removing all electronics from bedrooms before bed can be helpful. 
  • Limiting screen time before bed is key to winding-down and getting a great night’s sleep!

Remember, every day counts. Together, we can make a positive impact on students’ education, well-being and future.For more information, please visit the UGDSB website: 

Dogs on School Property: Please remember that dogs are not allowed on school property. Some of our students have a fear of dogs. Please wait with your dog off school property for your child(ren). Thank you for your support. 

Important Upcoming Dates:

-April 19th: Little Caesars Pizza Fundraiser Distribution 

-April 23rd: Parent Presentation from OPP Officer Amy Pitton 6pm Library 

-April 24th: Office Coordinator Appreciation Day 

-April 25th: UGDSB Director of Education & Superintendent Visit 1045-1145am 

-April 26th: K-3 Author Visit in Library am

Upcoming Spirit Days for April & Early May:

April 16th: Disney Character Day ( Pixar, Marvel, Princesses etc.)

April 26th: Comfy Clothes Day 

May 3rd: Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you)- Star Wars, clothes representing space etc. 



A reminder that it is a good idea to keep a close eye on the weather, so students know what to wear in the morning. Another good idea is to pack an extra pair of pants in your child(ren)’s backpack(s) as we have returned to  muddy conditions. This avoids us having to call home for a pant request during the day. 

We are also asking students to keep valuables at home. On another note, the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items that should be kept at home such as toys, Pokemon cards etc. Thank you for helping your child(ren) keep these items at home. 

Dufferin Parent Support Network: Please check out for free parenting workshops. The Dufferin Parenting Support Network is a great organization of parents supporting parents. 

DCAFS Behaviour Solutions: DCAFS offers a wide range of services designed to meet the unique needs of each child and family. They  believe that every child deserves the chance to reach their full potential, and they are committed to helping them do just that. If you’re looking for support for your family within a safe and welcoming community, look no further than DCAFS! Please see the link for some different workshops and events:

Emergency Lunch and Recess Supervisors Needed Urgently: If you love working with wonderful children, who are enthusiastic, fun and engaging, Princess Margaret wants you as a Lunchroom/Yard Supervisor. We have an urgent need for supplies while our regular staff are away. We require individuals who are caring, energetic, and have the ability to ensure the safety and security of our students.  The position requires a commitment of approximately 80 minutes per day (two 40 minute nutrition breaks:  20 minutes eating and 20 minutes outdoor recess time). This is a paid position, minimum wage per hour.  Your responsibilities include: monitoring lunchrooms and outside recess. Our two nutrition breaks/ yard times are from 10:20- 11am and again from 12:30-1:10pm. Lunchroom supervisors are required to have a vulnerable sector criminal record background check. If you want to be part of a great school community with awesome students, please call me, Andrea Papavasiliou (Principal) at 519-941-3731 ext 223. Similarly, if you know someone who would be fantastic in this role, please pass this information along to them. Thank you.

Milk Sales: Our wonderful Student Council continues to sell milk.  The milk costs $1.00 each. Milk sale profits support our Student Council. 

We’ll see everyone tomorrow for another day of learning before heading into the weekend. 

Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal

Categories: News