PMPS Weekly Update May 18th, 2023

Posted May 18, 2023

Good Evening Mustang Families,

It’s been another excellent  week at PMPS. After weeks of training our special olympic athletes represented us at our board wide event and made us very proud. We cheered them out in the morning and cheered them back in at the end of the day. They brought back some wonderful medals and ribbons. Thank you to our peer coaches, staff coaches, parents, and of course our athletes for representing us so well. 

Our Twitter account is full of updates, please check it out: @margaret_ps. I update our website regularly as well: . Please take a moment once and while and check out all of our great news! 

Important Upcoming Dates:

-May 19th: Grade 7 Vaccine Clinic (letter home with details)

May 19th: Author Visit 11am (primary and junior. classes) 

-May 22nd: Victoria Day: Long weekend, No School on Monday/ See everyone on Tuesday, May 23rd at 830am 

-May 24th, May 25th, and May 26th: Primary EQAO (letter went home with more details) 

-May 26th: Jr and Int Students: Get Real Presentation 

The Get REAL movement is coming to our school on May 26th in the morning for two time slots. They will be delivering a presentation around inclusivity. The presentation highlights human connections and utilizes empathy to promote 2SLGBTQ+ allyship, unlearn harmful language and focus on the impact we can have on one another through small acts of kindness. Delivered by 2SLGBTQ+ facilitators who have grown from their diverse life experiences and journeys to find confidence in their identities. The presentation will be Powerful, interactive, non-judgmental, educational and relatable. See last week’s community blurb or our website for more information. The time slots will be : 9:20am-10:20am- grade ⅞ classes and 11:00am-12:00pm- grade 4-6. Parents are welcome to attend. Please let Mrs. PapaV know if you are planning to attend, so adequate sitting can be provided by calling 519-941-3731 ext 223. 

-May 30th, May 31st, and June 1st: Junior EQAO (letter went home with more details) 

-June 1st- June 30th: Our inclusive pride flag will fly proudly at PMPS for Pride month. 

-June 2nd: PD Day (no school for students)

-June 2nd: JK Orientation for registered JK students 10am-11am

Welcome New JK Families! You are invited to our junior kindergarten orientation at Princess Margaret Public School on June 2nd from 10am-11am. Students will have the opportunity to play outside and visit with our kindergarten educators. Parents/Guardians will learn more about what to expect in kindergarten, as well as ask questions of our staff. Students will take home a welcome package of information and we’ll have some special guests joining us to share information too. So, please join us on June 2nd, 2023 at Princess Margaret Public School on June 2nd, 2023 from 10am to 11am. We are looking forward to meeting all of our new junior kindergarten students. 

*** If you have not registered for junior kindergarten, please register online immediately or come and see Mrs. Mckenzie in the office.

-June 5th: Last School Council meeting of the year- 6pm virtual

-June 8th: Compass Run at School/ More details to come about a food drive

-June 26th: PMPS grade 8 grad

-June 29th: Last Day of School

-June 30th: PD Day (no school for students)

Upcoming Spirit Days: 

Friday,May 19, 2023 Dress in a different decade – Decade Day
Friday,May 26, 2023 Plaid Day



REMINDER: Caregivers have access to the UGDSB Games and Activities that Support Mathematical Thinking website. This website includes information about mindsets for math and the importance of math play, as well as games for Primary, Junior & Intermediate-aged children. This website can be found on the Parent Involvement Committee website as well.

Free Parent Workshops from the DSPN: 

 Help Your Child Manage Anxiety and Foster Self-Esteem–May 17

Registration and details:

Adolescence & Addiction: Supporting Your Child Through Substance Use–May 24

Registration and details:

Positive Communication to End the Power Struggles and Encourage Cooperation–May 30.

Registration and details:


We are offering 2 summer SafeTALK trainings to parents/caregivers and guardians.  The flyer has registration links.  

safeTALK flyer July 19.pdf

YOUTH PSYCHOSIS AND CANNABIS WEBINAR A webinar offered to parents/guardians on Youth, Psychosis and Cannabis

Youth Psychosis and Cannabis_Webinar Poster (003).pdf



Supervision on the yard: Please remember that supervision begins in our yard at 810am and in the afternoon, ends at 310pm. Please do not drop your children off before this time and please pick up your children before 310pm. Thank you for your cooperation as we work hard to keep all of our students safe. 

Stolen scooters and bikes- lock them up: We have had a few scooters and bikes stolen that have not been locked up from our bike rack.. If your child rides a scooter or bike to school, please make sure that it is locked up. The school is busy and it is hard for me to find the time to follow up on unlocked, stolen items. 

Safety on Climbers: A reminder that running shoes must be worn while on all play equipment and while playing a sport in the sports fields.

Dogs on School Property: Please remember that dogs are not allowed on school property. Some of our students have a fear of dogs. Please wait with your dog off school property for your child(ren). Thank you for your support. 

Milk Sales: Our wonderful Student Council continues to sell milk.  The milk costs $1.00 each. Milk sale profits support our Student Council. 

Emergency Lunch and Recess Supervisors Still Needed/ Lunch supervisors needed for 23/24 school year: If you love working with wonderful children, who are enthusiastic, fun and engaging, Princess Margaret wants you as a Lunchroom/Yard Supervisor. We have an urgent need for supplies while our regular staff are away and for supervisors for the 23/24 school year. We require individuals who are caring, energetic, and have the ability to ensure the safety and security of our students.  The position requires a commitment of approximately 80 minutes per day (two 40 minute nutrition breaks:  20 minutes eating and 20 minutes outdoor recess time). This is a paid position, minimum wage per hour.  Your responsibilities include: monitoring lunchrooms and outside recess. Our two nutrition breaks/ yard times are from 10:20- 11am and again from 12:30-1:10pm. Lunchroom supervisors are required to have a vulnerable sector criminal record background check. If you want to be part of a great school community with wonderful students, please call Principal, Andrea Papavasiliou at 519-941-3731 ext 223. Similarly, if you know someone who would be fantastic in this role, please pass this information along to them. Thank you. 

We will see everyone tomorrow for another great day of learning  and then we hope everyone has a great long weekend. We’ll see everyone back on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023 at 830am. 

Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal 

SafeTALK Flyer July 19 New Logo

Youth Psychosis And Cannabis_Webinar Poster (003)

Categories: News