Reminder: Please Drop Late Students at Office/ Do Not Walk to Class

Posted December 12, 2022

Good afternoon Mustang Families,

We are looking for some help. If a student is late, they must check in with the office and get a late slip. This allows the teacher to know that the student has checked in with the office, so attendance can be accurate. 

If your child is late, we will assist the student to class. Parents/ guardians are not permitted to walk their child to class once school has started. 

This is mainly for two reasons. First is for student and staff safety. Although your child and your child’s teacher knows who you are and also knows you are a safe adult, other children and staff do not. Second, often what happens is that parents/ guardians want to have conversations with teachers, and this distracts the teacher from having their attention on the whole class and teaching. We want to protect the time that our teachers have to teach and ensure that the teacher’s attention is not divided. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 

Andrea Papavasiliou, Principal

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