Letter from the Town of Orangeville

Posted March 23, 2017

The Town of Orangeville relies on groundwater for its drinking water supply, therefore it is important that residents and businesses all work together to protect the quality and quantity of groundwater available now and for future generations.  This can be done by implementing simple controls such as safely storing hazardous chemicals in our homes, applying only appropriate amounts and types of fertilizers to lawns and gardens, or building new homes in ways that ensure rainwater will recharge groundwater supplies.

Sodium and chloride in drinking water can be a concern from both a health and aesthetic (i.e. taste) perspective.  Road salt is known to improve road and walkway conditions in winter; however, road salt can also be a significant contributor of sodium and chloride in groundwater.  In Orangeville, we are particularly concerned about road salt handling, storage and application as we have increasing concentrations of sodium and/or chloride in some of our municipal supply wells.  To ensure that the quality of our drinking water is preserved for years to come, Town of Orangeville staff is working with businesses and residents to implement responsible road salt management practices with the goal of minimizing the mishandling and excess use of road salt.

The Town of Orangeville would like to thank the students of Spencer Avenue school for raising awareness about the importance of responsible road salt use in preserving the quality of our drinking water.  Your efforts have set an outstanding example for other residents and businesses in the community.

Categories: Water Docs