Principal’s Message – November 10, 2023

Posted November 10, 2023

This morning we had a moving Remembrance Day Assembly.  Thank you to all of you who shared pictures of your family members that served or are serving in the armed forces.  Thank you to Mrs. Lepine’s class and Ms. Teeter’s class for sharing poetry, stories and tableau.  Thank you to the student who shared first hand accounts from the Memory Project.  Thank you to all classes who provided artwork to decorate the halls and gym.  Lest we forget.

Congratulations to all of our junior volleyball players for a great tournament on Tuesday.  It was great to hear our students encourage each other.  Thank you Ms. Teeter for coaching, and a big thank you to Mrs. Edward who not only coached but also convened the tournament.  Thank you to all the parents who came out to cheer on our team.

 This week our grade eights joined other schools from across Dufferin County at the Orangeville Fairgrounds for the Dufferin County Careers Fair. Students were able to visit displays and ask questions from a variety of local businesses and services.  This helps students to explore different pathways open to them as they enter high school.

Junior students had an opportunity to sign up for Eco-club this week.  The campfire and Amazing Race Clubs happened on Tuesday.  The choir sang.  Junior entrepreneurs learned how to apply to be a vendor at Winterfest.  Cheer, Lego Club, National Geographic Club, Newspaper Writing Club and Story Writing Club met today.  There are always new opportunities for students to explore.

From School Council

Winterfest is coming.  Please see below for information and ways to help out.  

Bake Sale Call For Volunteers Save The Date


From the Board:  Parents and guardians of elementary school children are invited to participate in the Strengths to Grow research study. This brief study is entirely online and can be completed at any time. Participants will complete two 10-minute surveys and the 30-minute Strengths to Grow program which helps parents identify and develop their child’s unique strengths. Every participant receives free access to the Strengths to Grow program. For more information, follow this link:


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