We’re All in This Together!

Posted March 31, 2020

We are all in this together. 

(Disclaimer – the people in the video are way too close together)


(Aside) – My daughters can quote the lines in this movie. My brother, sister and I can quote the original Ghostbusters; I guess every generation has their movie. (CONTEXT)

I read an article tonight, sent to me by a parent, that added to my thoughts on the current situation of people out of work and children out of schools. 

It is a good read and helps put things into context. 

“Should we continue student learning during covid19? A question of Maslow before Bloom”, by Armand Doucet. 


In the media there has been a lot of discussion about school and the continuity of learning. Doucet raises a valid point that the two – school and learning – are different.

He writes that school is important because it provides structure, a controlled environment for learning, emotional safety and a social connection for children, parents and adults.

The contexts for teachers – Currently, teachers are excited to connect with students and families as they have been without their passion and “why”  for two weeks (including March Break). They miss their students. Teachers also miss their classrooms. The learning environment and their students provide structure and meaning for them.

Teachers are also currently pushing themselves to be uncomfortable as they learn what #distancelearning will look like in order to provide meaningful learning experiences for their students and families. Distance learning is not school. This is new for them. But they are professionals and up to the task! Some of them are also parents with their own children at home. We need to think differently.

The contexts for parents are many. Some may be laid off, trying to work from home, supporting parents, not being able to see their own parents, facing financial challenges, and…trying to keep their children occupied and learning in a productive way. Some may have technology and access to the internet, some do not have this luxury.

For children, there is a lot going on too. They are struggling with why they can’t see their family members, their friends, their teachers. Children are missing the emotional safety of school and their peer group, to say the least.

My point is this – we are living in unprecedented times. We need to think differently about what learning will look like at home (because it is not school).

Your teachers will do their best.

As parents, you are doing your best. Our children are doing their best.

So we need to keep working together to support each other and our children.

Do what you can – Life is context. You’re doing great!

Stay safe and healthy! Reach out for help or to help. Ask questions. Be patient.

Categories: Principal's Blog