September 2023 First Day !
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
We are looking forward to welcoming all of our new and returning students back to Taylor Evans Public School this September!
There is information for families on the Board website here – a button can be found on the Taylor Evans School Website or use this link
What to Bring to School
Please keep your child’s personal items to a minimum! To support a safe and comfortable environment, students are asked to bring the following items clearly labeled with the student’s name:
First Day Procedures
For Kindergarten Students:
There is no staggered entry this year. All students will attend full days starting September 5th. Kindergarten students can meet staff at the gates at the East side of the school at 8:35. Kindergarten students can be picked up from the fenced area or the East gate at the end of the day at dismissal time at 2:55. Please continue to read for more information! Morning Drop Off: Only students will enter the school yard. Staff will direct students to their areas. Parents/Guardians will say goodbye at the gates and let your child enter the yard independently. Students are to arrive only a few minutes before entry time at 8:35am. Supervision does not begin until 8:20! Students who arrive on buses will be directed by School staff and make their way to the back to join their class. Who will meet my child? Staff on duty will welcome students. All teachers will meet their class line at the 8:35am bell. For students who arrive off the bus, staff will also be there to greet them. If you are a walker, please come as close to 8:35am as possible. Can I go on school property? Enter the school? Yes. Please do not escort your child to class. For safety and to minimize disruption to learning, ALL VISITORS to the school MUST report to the office. If you have forms to drop off or pick up at the office, please report to Mrs. Bulmer in the front office. At entry and dismissal times, parents are to remain outside of the school yard. If picking your child/ren up early or for appointments, please call into the office (519 766 4544) and we will bring the child/ren to the main door for pick-up. Dropping off medication and Plans of Care? Please complete the appropriate form for Life Threatening Medical Conditions and/or the Consent for Administration of Oral Medication form prior to coming on the first day of school. You can drop off the completed forms with the medication to the office on September 5th. Parking Lot will continue to be for staff and buses ONLY! There will be no access for student drop off! This is for the safety of all of our children and to help the environment! Please walk to school! If you must drive, please park on a side street and walk your child onto school property/use the crossing guard to cross the street. Please see the map for places to park and enjoy the walk with your child to the school! |
Late Arrival:
Students who arrive after 8:35 AM will report to the main entrance. Their name and class will be recorded for our Safe Arrival attendance program and then directed to their classroom with a ‘checked-in’ slip. These slips will be shown to the classroom teacher so they know that they’ve checked in at the office, then will be recycled. If students arrive later in the day, families should call the school or walk them to the main entrance. |
Lunch Procedures:
End of Day Procedures:
Parents/guardians are to wait by the gates and front grass areas for their child/ren. After School Program – students will be collected from outside by the BASP staff. |
Communication with the School
When your child is going to be absent from school, please leave a message in our absences mailbox before 8:35 am. 519-766 4544 ext 100. Please remember that if your child is unwell, to keep them at home and let us know on our attendance line. Doing this is very important to help save our office coordinator from having to contact you to make sure your child is at home.
Communicating with classroom teachers: Emailing your child’s teacher through the Google Classroom will be the best form of communication between the school and home. Individual teachers will also share their preferred method of paper communication; a note is always effective. If you would like to arrange a phone call, please email your child’s teacher or call their extension. Please call the office if your message is immediate or urgent as staff cannot always check voicemail messages during the day. We will be sending home our regular package of information on the first day of school. Please complete the forms, and return them to your child’s teacher as soon as you can. |
Categories: News