Parent/Guardian Handbook





Principal’s Message

Welcome To Taylor Evans Public School!

Dear Families and Students:

As we begin the school year, we do so with excitement and anticipation. We look forward to the challenges ahead and the chance to celebrate the wonderful things that happen at the school.

Taylor Evans is an incredible educational facility with caring staff. The staff offer many educational opportunities in a variety of learning environments. Academic programs are enriched because of the talented staff that is motivated to bring our children the best. The outdoor surroundings allow the students to learn beyond the four walls of the classroom and the school.

Success in learning is achieved when there is a partnership between the school and the parent community. It is our belief that students are more successful when we work together. Through cooperation and collaboration, all students will develop skills of respect and responsibility as well as work towards meeting their educational goals. It is extremely important that parents and teachers maintain open and ongoing communication. Please know that you are always welcome to have a conversation! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the school.

We are always open to new ideas and welcome your input and your suggestions. We anticipate a rewarding school year and look forward to developing a strong community partnership. I would encourage you to get involved in the life of the school by coming into your child’s class (or any class) to share a talent or skill, volunteering to read or help with math, or just coming in to visit!


Principal                                Vice Principal

Ken Keesmaat                      John Lindsay

School Council – Welcome

Dear Parents;

On behalf of the School Council at Taylor Evans Public School we would like to welcome you and your family to our school community.

Your child is a part of a wonderful school and we are glad you are with us.  Taylor Evans has a history of fantastic teachers and school staff who enrich the lives of our children in so many ways.  We are a diverse community of families representing many different cultures and languages.  We are proud to tell people the name of our school and boast about the many achievements, sports, arts, special education, school spirit and multiculturalism.

Parents, together with community members, and staff are committed to connecting with other parents.  We improve our school by connecting to teachers to support their work, assist with problem solving and to help raise funds.

We encourage you to attend a School Council meeting to find out about life at Taylor Evans.  The meetings are held the second Thursday of each month from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.  They are interesting, inclusive, informative and open to all parents. This year we will be trying to do a hybrid – in person and online!- so more people can be involved.

We hope you have a wonderful year and look forward to meeting you on the playground, at a school event or at a School Council meeting!

Taylor Evans Public School

School Council

General Information

Our School

Taylor Evans Public School opened its doors in September 1992.  It is named after Dr. Taylor Evans, a long time trustee of the former Wellington County Board of Education.  A commemorative cornerstone was incorporated into the construction of the front entrance and was dedicated to his memory by his wife Isabell on November 5, 1991.

Today Taylor Evans Public School is a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 school with approximately 430 students, 30 teaching staff and 10 support staff.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to meet the needs of the individual student and to foster enthusiasm for lifelong learning by providing a variety of opportunities in a safe and caring environment.

School Motto and Mascot

The school motto is TOGETHER: EMPATHY, EFFORT, EXCELLENCEand is an important part of the daily expectations of staff and students.

It is not the end result that is of greatest significance, but the effort in reaching for the goal of excellence.  This is true for all aspects of school life whether in the classroom, the playground, extracurricular activities or in our community.

The Eagle, our mascot is a proud, majestic bird which represents our determination and drive to succeed at any endeavour.


The grounds are open to students and supervised during the period 15 minutes before classes begin (starting at 8:20) and at dismissal.  Please help your child plan to arrive at the school at 8:20 or after. Supervision is also provided during bus transfer times and other school functions which may occur outside the above times.

Arrival and Departure: Buses, Cars, Bicycles, Walkers

Walkers:  Our goal is to have all those who can, walk to school – the benefits of this are incredible in terms of promoting general health as well as active brains!  Please use the sidewalks, respect private property and use the crosswalks.  

Buses: We have a number of buses and taxis at Taylor Evans Public School.  These vehicles need access to school grounds in order to ensure that those students who are entitled to transportation are delivered/picked up efficiently and safely.  Staff, buses and taxis will have exclusive entry to the school property between 8:10 – 8:35 am and 2:45 – 3:05 pm.  Please respect their need to access the school property.

Cars: Staff may access the property at any time and use the side and back parking lots.  Families may have access to the property at any time – EXCEPT between 8:15 – 8:45 am and 2:45 – 3:05 pm.  Families may park in the visitor’s spots at the front of the school or use the side and back parking lots.  No vehicles may stop/park/discharge/pickup in the bus lane or park in Fire Routes.   Families may park on the street in designated parking areas.  Your respect for the traffic laws keeps the school zone safe for all children.  Parents and students are strongly encouraged to cross the street only at the crosswalk – “children learn their traffic safety from adults”.

Bicycles: A bicycle rack is provided at the front of the school on the West side of the property.


We invite parents/guardians to visit our school and encourage volunteers within our classrooms.  When you are visiting the school whether it be for a few moments or few hours please sign in at the front office, and obtain/display a visitor’s badge.  Your compliance will avoid violation of the Ontario Trespass Act and the Access to School Premises Regulation.  Help us keep our children safe!

Safe Arrival

Please call the office before 8:15 am if your child is going to be absent or late.  The voice mail can take messages 24 hours a day.  Please supply us with the student name (first and last), class and reason for absence.  We will call contacts of absent students if we have not been informed of the reason for the absence.  Late students are to report to the office before going to class to have their arrival recorded.

Board Policy on Safe Arrival states:

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to:

  1. Provide current telephone contacts such as home phone number, work numbers of parents/guardians, number of caregiver, number of safe arrival contact, and emergency contact numbers on the student admission/information form.
  2. Update the information during the school year, if it changes.
  3. Communicate with the school, prior to the start of school in the morning and/or afternoon, when the child will be absent or late for any reason.
  4. Provide written permission for their child to leave the school during the day.
  5. Inform the school when their child will be returning after an absence of more than one day.

Safe Departure

Please send authorization in writing if someone other than the legal guardian is going to pick your child up from school or there is a change in regular bus routine.  Under an urgent circumstance a telephone call may be made to the office before 2:30 pm.

Attendance, Absences and Lates

Good school attendance and punctuality are important to maximize school achievement and are good habits to develop.  At Taylor Evans, students are engaged in learning tasks as soon as they enter the classroom. Students who arrive late iss out on this learning and can disrupt the learning of others. Attendance is taken in the morning and afternoon of each school day.  Students are marked absent if they are not in class on time.  Students arriving late should check in at the school office so that the attendance register can be amended.


As a national leader in the use of educational technology, the UGDSB is committed to supporting creative and innovative learning. With teacher approval, students may use their personal mobile devices for instructional purposes during class time. This is especially important for students who rely on technology to access curriculum, communicate their ideas and to overcome individual learning needs.

The UGDSB provides a stable network, rich digital content and tools to support learning from school and home. Students have access to a variety of resources and tools to support their learning anywhere, anytime, at any pace and individual path.

When students use their own technology as part of an enriched academic experience, they engage more deeply and actively in the learning process. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) empowers students to become the experts with the device they have and to customize it to their learning needs. If the devices the students use beyond the school day are the same ones they use for school, the students can seamlessly switch from personal use to learning anytime, anywhere. The learning activities on the device are accessible to the students 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week.

The UGDSB recognizes the critical role that parents play in educating their children on the appropriate use of mobile devices and in monitoring the use of these devices as today’s responsible digital citizens.    This partnership of parents and schools is essential in achieving success in ensuring appropriate use of technology. 

Some tools available on mobile devices allow them to be used by parents as tracking devices to monitor a child’s activities and locations throughout the day.  It is important to note that while some of these applications may serve legitimate purposes they can also be used in an intrusive manner.   The privacy, safety and dignity of others could be violated by the inappropriate use of audio and video recording devices.  Mobile devices may not be used to monitor or record audio while on school or board premises.  Mobile devices may be used for recording purposes for instructional use only with teacher approval. 

It is the expectation of the UGDSB that when approved for use by a teacher, mobile devices may be used when they are deemed not to interfere with a student’s personal learning or the learning of others.  They are not to be used in private areas such as locker rooms and washrooms nor are they to be used where it interferes with privacy or safety of staff, students or others. 

For more information on BYOD, including information about privacy, digital citizenship and safety, and frequently asked questions, click here.


Lockers are provided for the convenience of students.  To avoid the many problems associated with some locks, we require that students wishing to use locks purchase a combination lock.  The combination and serial number of the lock will be recorded by the homeroom teacher.

Students should never share their combinations with others. Lockers remain school property, and will be inspected and cleaned as necessary to maintain a clean and safe school environment.


Sometimes students bring special, fragile, or expensive toys to school only to become disappointed when they are damaged or lost.  The best prevention is to leave such items at home, or to bring them in for a temporary demonstration to the class.  We will try our best to help students locate missing belongings; however, the school cannot be responsible for damaged or lost items.

Lost and Found

Please clearly label clothing items, lunch bags, boots and shoes so that we can help locate their owners.  We also recommend that parents/guardians regularly check the school for missing items.  Small items, such as jewelry and watches are kept at the office.


Student pictures will be taken each year – both individual and class.    These pictures will be available for purchase at reasonable rates without obligation.  Graduation pictures for our grade eight students will be taken at a separate time for those interested.

Transportation Procedures


It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board to provide eligible students with a quality transportation service that is safe and efficient.  In accordance with the Education Act, the provision of transportation by the Board is permissive and may be revoked at the Boards’ discretion.

The Board considers the safety of students to be of paramount importance and will make all aspects of the transportation system comply with the appropriate Acts, Regulations and Safety Standards.  The Board will cooperate with Provincial and local Police on all matters related to school bus safety.

Transportation of Students by Parents/Guardians

On occasion, volunteers may assist in transporting students to school functions, and this is greatly appreciated.

As the Board requires certain licensing and insurance be in place, we require that volunteers planning to transport students complete the form for this purpose available in the school office.  Volunteers need to have a valid driver’s license, sufficient seat belts, and at least one million dollars in liability insurance to transport students.

Field Trips and Excursions

Field trips provide “education beyond the classroom” and support our Core Curriculum.  Short local trips not requiring transportation are considered part of the regular school day may require a ‘blanket’ permission form for the year.  Notice about all other class trips will be sent home in advance.  In order for your child to participate, written confirmation is required to ensure that permission has been granted and that parents/guardians are aware of the details of the trip.

Child Abuse Policy

It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board to provide appropriate procedures and curriculum to support employees charged with the responsibility under the law to report suspected cases of child abuse to the proper authorities.

Child Abuse: (from Board Policy and Child and Family Services Act )

A “child” refers to anyone under the age of 16, or a person under the age of 18 who is subject to an order under the Child and Family Services Act .  Every citizen has a responsibility to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities.

Child Abuse includes any of the following:

  1. child has suffered physical harm, inflicted by a parent of person in charge or caused by their failure to adequately care and provide for, supervise, or protect the child.
  2. child has been sexually molested or sexually exploited by the person in charge or by another where the person in charge knows or should know or fails to protect the child.
  3. child requires medical treatment to cure, prevent, or alleviate physical harm or suffering and the parent or person in charge does not provide, refuses to provide, is unable to consent, or unavailable to consent to treatment.
  4. child has suffered emotional harm shown by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, self-destructive or aggressive behaviour, and the parent or person in charge does not or refuses to provide treatment or services, or is unable or unavailable to give consent.
  5. child suffers mental, emotional, or developmental condition which could seriously impair development and the parent or person in charge does not or refuses to provide treatment or is unable or unavailable to consent to treatment.

There are also grounds for reporting whenever a person believes a child is in need of protection from a situation e.g. Abandonment, inadequate nutrition.

The School’s Role:

It is not the role of any school personnel to determine the validity of any disclosure.  However, teachers are in a position to observe the effects of abuse or neglect, because they are in care of children on a daily basis.  Teachers and Principals/Vice Principals are also obligated by law to report any situations of suspected abuse.  Should a referral be made, principals are prohibited from notifying parents/guardians until authorized to do so.  They are also required to follow the directions of the social worker in an emergency situation.

Family and Children’s Services

Telephone: 519-824-2410 or 1-800-265-8300


The following Ministry Curricula are in use at Taylor Evans Public School.  These documents will be used by the staff of Taylor Evans when planning student expectations and assessing and evaluating students.

The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8:

  1. a) Language
  2. b) Mathematics
  3. c) The Arts
  4. d) Social Studies Grades 1-6 and History/Geography Grades 7-8
  5. e) Health and Physical Education
  6. f) French
  7. g) Kindergarten Program

The complete curriculum is available for review at the Ministry of Education and Training’s website at

The expectations identified for each grade describe the knowledge and skills that students are expected to develop and demonstrate in their class work, tests, and various other activities on which their achievement is assessed.  Teachers will use their professional judgement in deciding which instructional methods will foster the learning described in the expectations.

Special Education – Exceptional Students

The Upper Grand District School Board provides a continuum of service that offers a range of placements to meet the needs of exceptional pupils.  The purpose for this wide spectrum is to provide all pupils with opportunities to achieve success in their education programs.

Every attempt is made to maintain the exceptional pupil within the regular class.  However, we recognize that there are pupils for whom total integration is inappropriate.  Alternate educational settings provided include withdrawal programs and self-contained classes.

A team approach is used in program modification and in planning an exceptional pupil’s Individual Education Plan.  This plan contains specific objectives and an outline of educational services that meet the needs of the exceptional pupil.  It is our responsibility to identify pupil’s needs and to ensure that they receive appropriate special education programs and services.

Report Cards

Kindergarten, and Grade 1 to 8 report cards are issued following the completion of each term. There will be two term report cards coming home, in February and June.  In addition, there will be a Progress report coming home in November.  Please carefully review your child’s progress and contact their teacher if you have any questions.  Interviews may be caregiver or teacher initiated and requested at any time during the school year.  Please call your child’s teacher if an interview is desired.  These interview times are valuable to the overall education of your child.  The Ontario Report Card also provides an opportunity for parents/guardians and students to establish goals together and provide feedback to the teacher.  Please take the time to share and to complete this goal setting page with your child.       


Students are generally assessed using a ‘rubric’ to assign a level 1-4 to projects or assignments depending on how well the student demonstrates learning in relation to expectations.  The Provincial Guide for Grading includes letter grades for Primary and Junior, and Percentage Marks for Intermediate (grades 7-8).


Level Definition Letter Grade

(Gr 1-6)

Percentage Mark

(Gr 7-8)

4 The student demonstrates the required knowledge and skills.  Achievement exceeds the provincial standard A+






3 The student has demonstrated most of the required knowledge and skills.   Achievement meets the provincial standard B+






2 The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills.   Achievement approaches the provincial standard C+






1 The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills in limited ways.   Achievement falls much below the provincial standard D+






R The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills.  Extensive remediation is required. R Below 50
I There is insufficient evidence to determine a letter grade or percentage mark. I


Medical Emergency

Please provide reliable emergency contact information on the Student Information Form sent home at the beginning of the year.  We need to be able to reach someone in the unfortunate case where an emergency arises.

If during the year you change your address, phone number, emergency contact, or place of employment, please phone our school office coordinator.

Emergency Procedures

Taylor Evans PS maintains reference information in case of fire, tornado, bomb threats, intruders, and other accidents or tragic events.

Emergency Drills

Fire drills are conducted three times during the first term and three times during the spring term.  Extreme Weather (i.e., tornado) drills will occur twice per school year.  Detailed plans for fire drills, tornado drills, and evacuation are shared with all staff.  In addition, two Lock Down drills (hazard in the school) will be conducted annually.

Illness and injury

It is our practice to make a sick child feel as comfortable as possible while caregivers are being contacted.  The best place for a student who is ill is at home.  When an illness or injury seems serious, the principal or designate may take the child to the doctor or call an ambulance.  Please ensure that the office always has up-to-date information on how to reach you or an emergency contact.


The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires the medical officer to maintain a health record on each school child.  It also requires that all children be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella unless exempted.


Caregivers administer medication at home where possible.   Students are not permitted to have any medications with them or in their lockers at any time.  Exceptions to this may include: epipens and asthma inhalers, and diabetic equipment.

Where medication must be administered by school personnel it will be kept in the office.  Both prescription and non-prescription medication requires written authorization. This form is available at the office.

Medical Alert -“Nuts and Nut Products”

We may have several students with life threatening allergic reactions to a variety of foods, including peanut butter and nuts.  The safety of all our students is very important to us.  We enjoy the delicious snacks and birthday treats that children bring in, but please be aware we are a “nut” sensitive school.  If touched or eaten, foods containing even small amounts of peanuts or nuts may be life threatening to those students with allergies.  Please avoid sending any foods to school that contain nuts or peanuts.  (If a food label states that an item ‘may contain traces of nuts or peanuts’, it is OK to send it.) Classrooms in which there are students with allergies are identified with a clear sign on the classroom door.

Public Health Nurse

Should you have any questions about your child’s health, communicable diseases or immunization, please call the Health Unit directly.

Head Lice

Anyone, regardless of cleanliness, can get head lice, and primary children who play closely together are particularly susceptible.

Caregivers are asked to check their children regularly for the presence of small whitish nits (eggs) fastened tightly on the hair shaft near the scalp, and report any occurrences to the principal.  Caregivers will be notified if anyone in a child’s classroom has reported head lice so that they can monitor the situation.

Should lice be found, and because the condition is passed on by contact, we request that children stay home until treatment is completed.

Winter Play

Winter is a wonderful time for children to play outside.  We do, however, want them to be safe and avoid any damage to glasses and bodies.  We have, therefore prohibited throwing snowballs.  Our motto – “You pick up snow, you pick up trouble!”

Skateboards, Roller Blades, and Wheely Shoes

Because of vehicle and pedestrian traffic en route, and safety and storage issues on site, we ask that students not bring skateboards, roller blades, or wheely shoes to school.  Board Policy prohibits the use of skateboards, roller blades, and wheely shoes on school property.


Students must wear shoes in the school.  Non-marking running shoes are required for physical education class.  We recommend that students have a change of footwear available for indoor use.  Please note that, in case of fire alarm, students may not stop for footwear.


For the safety of everyone, running inside the school is prohibited (except when supervised in the gym).

Safety Equipment

Safety equipment (safety glasses, batting helmets, knee pads, etc.) is available for sports activities and must be worn for specific activities. These are provided by the school.

Warning to Caregivers – Strangulation Hazard

We urge caregivers to avoid student clothing with long, exposed scarves or drawstrings that can pose a choking hazard on play equipment (trim or remove drawstrings where necessary).

Creative playground equipment, if available, is off limits to students when wet or snow covered, at the discretion of staff.



Education is a shared responsibility between the school and home.  When parents and teachers work together, the student always benefits.

Effective, positive, two-way communication is essential.  Throughout the school year, we shall communicate with families in many ways.  This handbook is one.  Monthly school and classroom newsletters may be published to celebrate accomplishments and promote upcoming events. please check our website for the school newsletters. Our website also includes a ‘blog’ which will be updated regularly with important events.  Sometimes, you will receive phone calls or notes with positive messages, or with concerns which we need to address together.

Follow us on Twitter @taylorevansps

Caregiver involvement in the school is an essential component of any effective school.  We invite you to visit our classrooms, talk with teachers, become a classroom volunteer, and/or participate in School Council.


From time to time the school will conduct fundraisers to help defray the costs for student activities and to fund capital projects.  Door to door canvassing is generally discouraged.  Although fundraising can be a good experience for students, participation is always optional.

The Upper Grand Learning Foundation

The Upper Grand Learning Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization that receives donations from individuals, corporations, and other organizations and disburses the money to provide educational programs and resources.  There are four funds: School Fund, Community Learning Fund, Scholarship Fund and General Fund.  Contributions to the School Fund support ongoing school activities and are used to purchase books, technology, athletic equipment, and other teaching resources.  Donors can specify that Taylor Evans Public School receive their donations.  Tax receipts will be issued for contributions of $20.00 or more.


Taylor Evans considers its volunteers as a special resource.  Parents/guardians and community members are encouraged to help in classroom, on school trips, assist in the library, participate on School Council as well as help with extra-curricular activities.

Protection of Privacy Statement for Volunteers

The Volunteer’s role in the school is one of partnership with the employees of the Upper Grand District School Board.  In this capacity, it is understood that the volunteer will follow the terms and conditions relating to security and confidentiality of personal information according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Under this policy, it is understood that the volunteer will work under the direction of an appropriate staff member and be privy only to that information that is necessary for working effectively with a student(s) and/or for the purpose of performing the task assigned e.g. office/clerical. Volunteers need to complete a Volunteer Agreement, which is provided through the office or the classroom teacher.

School Council

The School Council is elected each year to provide advice to the school principal on school matters.  All are welcome to attend and participate in meetings of the Council.  The Council includes representation from parents/guardians, administration, and community.


Members shall reflect the diversity of the community and shall include the following: parents and guardians of students, community representatives, the school principal, teachers, and non-teaching staff.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Council will provide advice to the school principal and, where appropriate, to the school board on any matters that directly affect the school.

The members of the School Council shall:

  1. a) place the overall interests of the school and children first
  2. b) attend and participate in School Council meetings
  3. c) participate in information and training programs
  4. d) act as a link between the School Council and the community and seek community participation
  5. e) seek to reach consensus in the decision making processes of the Council

Staff Contacts

You may leave a message for any staff member by calling the school and leaving a message in a voice mail box.  Please do not leave time-sensitive information in any voice mail box. You may access a voice mail box by following the directions of the automated attendant or dial the voice mail box number as directed.

Please limit email inquiries to those of a factual nature (date of trips, time of assemblies etc.).  Any questions about student achievement or other concerns will be handled through phone calls or face-to-face interviews.

Please see: for a listing of staff names.


They brought me their report card from the teacher and they said

“I wasn’t very proud of it”,

And sadly bowed their head

They were excellent in reading

And Mathematics was fair

But I noticed there were several

Unsatisfactorys there

But one little bit of credit that was given

Made me smile

They were excellent in EFFORT

And I hugged my child a while

Oh, it doesn’t make much difference

What is written on your card

I told the little fellow

If you’re only working hard

The very goods and excellent are fine, I must agree

But the effort you are making

Means a whole lot more to me

And the thing that’s most important

When this card is put aside

Is to know in spite of all

That doing your best you’ve tried

Just keep excellence in effort

And the rest will come to you

There isn’t any problem

That some day you’ll learn to do

And at last when you grow older

You will come to understand

That by hard and patient toiling

People have risen to command

And some day you will discover

When a greater goal’s at stake

The better by far than brilliance

Is the EFFORT you will make

Author Unknown