Professional Activity Day Description – September 18th, 2023

Posted August 29, 2023

Please see below the plan for our upcoming PA day on September 18th.  Please remember, there is no school for students on September 18th!


Professional Activity Day Descriptions 2023/24

Date: September 18, 2023

Length: Full Day

Topic 1: AM –  Literacy

Entity Hosting: School board

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): School Administrators

Description: Kindergarten to Grade 3 teachers will receive professional learning on early reading instruction, universal design for learning, and screening. to ensure educators are prepared to support their students in a manner consistent with the recommendations in the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read report for the full school year. Additionally, staff will focus on the implementation of the new Language curriculum in grades 1 – 8 and on embedding high yield strategies in reading across the various subject curriculum areas.  In Secondary schools, teachers will continue professional development on the de-streamed grade 9 course and on effective practices for teaching reading across various subject areas.  Furthermore, enhancing teacher efficacy in supporting students to consolidate foundation knowledge and skills in Grade 9 destreamed English will be a focus of this professional learning time.


Topic 2: PM – Student Well-being, School Safety and Violence Prevention

Entity Hosting: School board

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): School Administrators and Online Learning Platforms

All staff will receive training related to PPM 161 – Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions.  Additionally, educators will engage in continued learning regarding detection and intervention of sex trafficking related to students.  Finally, staff will review procedures and policies regarding school safety and violence prevention including but not limited to emergency response, child abuse and protection, student crisis response protocols and suicide intervention.

Categories: News