November News
November 1 – Playground Closed for the Season, School Council Meeting – 7:00pm – virtually
November 6 – Daylight Saving Time Ends
November 7 – 11 – Treaties Recognition Week
November 11 – Remembrance Day
November 16 – Progress Reports Available
November 21 – 25 – Bullying Prevention Week
November 24 – Wear Pink for Bullying Prevention
November 25 – PA Day – Parent Teacher Interviews (No School for students)
If your child is going to be absent or late for school, please let the office know. You may leave a message at 519-824-3661 or email [email protected] 24 hours a day.
Our lost and found collection is growing. Please label your child’s belongings! It is much easier to reunite items with their owners if we know who they are.
Please note the Playground Equipment will be closed Tuesday, November 1st for the season. The sand box will remain open.
This year Treaties Recognition Week will be recognized November 7th – 11th. This annual event honours the importance of treaties and helps students learn more about treaty rights and relationships. By learning more about our collective treaty rights and obligations, we can create greater understanding and nurture these relationships.
Treaties Recognition Week was introduced in 2016 to honour the importance of treaties and to help Ontarians learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships. During this week the children in our school will have the opportunity to discuss treaties as a promise/agreement between two groups of people. We will also reflect on the meaning of the following statement read at all official gatherings within our school board:
Honouring the Land & Territory From the Anishinaabe to the Haudenosaunee and the Metis, these treaty lands are steeped in rich Indigenous history and modern traditions. As a community, we have a responsibility to honour and respect the four directions, land, waters, plants, animals and ancestors. Today, this area is home to many Indigenous Peoples from across Turtle Island. We acknowledge the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation of the Anishinaabek Peoples, on whose ancestral and treaty lands we teach, learn and live. Check the UGDSB website to learn more about the Treaty partners with UGDSB schools:
Classes will be participating in a Remembrance Day assembly this year to honour our Veterans and Fallen Heroes. Money donations for poppies can be handed to homeroom teachers or you can follow the link below:
Bullying Prevention week is the week of November 21st-25th. Classes will have the opportunity to take part in lessons, activities and announcements to continue their learning. We will continue to support children to problem solve with each other and to go to a safe adult if they need support. This year we will wear pink on Thursday, November 24th to say “no to bullying”.
We want all students to feel safe at school and we want students, staff and parents to know that we do have a process for determining if bullying is happening and steps to take to ensure it stops. If you know of anyone experiencing this type of interaction please report it to an adult in the school or access the “Online Bullying” reporting tool found on the board and school websites.
Adopt-A-Family is open to families of all backgrounds and traditions to meet their needs and wishes. If you know a family who could use support this holiday season, please call our Child & Youth Counsellor, Gayton Fairfield, (519) 827-1601 ext 227 for a confidential discussion as soon as possible.
Progress reports focus on learning skills or work habits, as well as strengths and next steps to assist in improving student learning in subject areas. It will provide students and parents with early and specific feedback on the progress made during the first two months of the school year. Progress Reports will be uploaded for parents to review on Wednesday, November 16th. There has been a PA Day set aside (November 25th) specifically for parent-teacher interviews to review the Progress Reports and Initial Observations. More information will follow about how to access Progress Reports and setting up phone or virtual interview times.
With the wet and cold weather approaching, it is important that all students have both outdoor and indoor shoes. This is a safety issue as proper footwear reduces the risk of slips and falls and stepping on items which may cause injury. Indoor shoes are also important so that students are protected in the event of a fire drill or event resulting in a school evacuation.
Did you know that we have a Parent Lending Library? In the last two years, the school board’s Parent Involvement Committee has purchased several resources for families to check out from our school library. These are meant for families to help support their children’s social and academic growth. They also promote topics of Equity and Inclusive Education. Please view this slideshow to see what books are available. If there is a book you would like to borrow, email Ms. Upper at [email protected] and she can ensure the book is sent home with your child.
Our Winegard Wolfpack once again came out to share some pizza together! Thank you to all of the Winegard families who participated in our pizza fundraiser. Thank you to all of you who ordered pizza, shared social media posts, and talked friends & family into ordering. Our school raised $539 in pizza sales. This time our class participation award goes to Ms. Demers class. Congratulations! More information to follow on your class pizza party.
Join us at the next School Council Meeting: Tuesday, November 1st – 7:00pm – the virtual link will be posted on the school calendar.
Categories: News • Newsletter