Kindergarten Registration is fast approaching – Here’s what you need to know
GUELPH, ON – Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year opens January 9, 2024. The French Immersion on-time application window for registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open from January 9 to January 26 at 4:00 pm.
Is my child eligible to go to school?
2024-2025 School Year:
- Children who were born in 2020 may attend Junior Kindergarten (JK).
- Children who were born in 2019 may attend Senior Kindergarten (SK).
- If your child attended JK in the Upper Grand District School Board you do not have to re-register for SK.
How do I register my child?
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year opens January 9, 2024. The French Immersion on-time application window for registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open from January 9 to January 26 at 4:00 pm.
- Pre-register your child (JK and SK) online at: UGDSB Registration Online Form
- In the online pre-registration site, use the school locator feature to determine which school your child can attend.
- Once the pre-registration has been successfully submitted, please make sure to contact your child’s school to complete the rest of the registration process.
- Parents/guardians must contact the school to set up an appointment prior to the registration window closing on January 26.
Required documentation:
- Proof of Age (Birth Certificate, Birth Registration Form, Baptismal Certificate, Canadian Citizenship/Permanent Resident Card, Passport, & custodial documents (if applicable))
- Proof of Address (e.g. utility/tax bill, purchase/lease agreement, phone (landline)/cable/internet bill. A driver’s license, bank/credit card statements or cell phone bills are not accepted.)
- Verification of date of arrival/immigration documents (if child was not born in Canada)
- Immunization Records do not need to be shared with the school. Please submit directly to Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health.
- If this is a registration for a JK English program, make sure you have completed your registration and made your appointment with the school to share documents and verify your registration information within two weeks of submitting your online pre-registration.
- If this is an application for a JK French Immersion program, please see the steps below outlining the deadlines and application process for completing your FI Application
Parents/guardians looking to register for the current school year can still register their child for JK and SK. Admission to French Immersion is subject to available space.
French Immersion JK Application Process (completed at FI Schools in addition to the Document Verification Process)
- If you are applying for your child to attend JK French Immersion, make sure you have completed your pre-registration online, made your appointment with the FI school where you have registered to share your documentation and verify your registration information.
- You should have received an FI Application Receipt directly from the school (via email), and return it signed via email, by January 26, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in order for your application to be considered ‘on-time’. The FI application process is not complete until you have met with the school and received this receipt.
- If you are applying for your child to attend JK French Immersion during the school year and after the on-time window has closed, acceptance will be subject to available space.
- To learn more about the FI cap, entry point and random selection process, visit
If you have any difficulty completing the online pre-registration, please contact your school. If you would like to have an interpreter or translator assist you, please contact the school or (immigrant services at (519) 836-2222). School attendance areas and contact information can be accessed through ‘school locator’ click here.
To learn more about Kindergarten Registration, including program choices, French Immersion caps and entry points and Out of area requests, please click here.
We look forward to welcoming our new Kindergarten students and their families for the 2024-2025 school year!
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