Island Lake PS – June 2021 Year-End Message

Posted June 30, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians of our Ospreys,

What an extraordinary year 2020-2021 has turned out to be.

The Island, and the World, have experienced a year like none other in history. Covid-19 has made the 2020-21 school year one of those Before/After years in world history. Events that bring the entire world to a standstill are few and far between, and we were all a part of it. We take with us a wealth of experiences – some positive, some not. We wish for our students to not be discouraged if, at times, it was hard or upsetting. Every single human being had those moments. We learned to “find the funny” where we could, we learned to help each other and we learned to appreciate what we have.

As our students move on to their next grade, the lessons they are taking away are bigger than novel studies or number talks, the lessons they have learned have been about perseverance, flexibility, managing change, dealing with isolation and new protocols around social interaction.

As this year closes, there is a light at the end of the summer, we are hoping for a more “normal” return to school. In September, we are looking forward to having our students back in the building. For those Ospreys remaining remote, we wish you all the best for continued success and we look forward to your return.

We would like to thank our Parents and Guardians for communicating with us when you felt you needed to, for supporting our students and for working alongside us to help make the most of one of the most challenging times in recent history.

On behalf of all of the staff and our School Council at Island Lake Public School, we wish our families a safe and healthy summer.


Sean Singh
Island Lake PS

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