News & Announcements
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year Upper Grand!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The staff at the Upper Grand can’t wait to welcome back all students and welcome those students who are new to our board.
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s): On behalf of the Island Lake staff, we’d like to welcome you to the 2024/25 school year. We hope you have had a wonderful Summer. Our amazing custodians and maintenance staff have been busy all ...Reminder for parents/guardians: Student Accident Insurance
Parents and guardians are responsible for expenses related to student injuries on school premises or during school activities. Accidents can and do happen and the costs involved might not be fully covered by Provincial health care or employer group insurance plans. The Upper Grand District School board ...Elementary Registration Day Information 2024
GUELPH, Ontario – Elementary Registration Day is happening August 27, 2024, between 1:00-4:00 p.m., at all Upper Grand District School Board elementary schools. Only new students to the UGDSB are required to register for the 2024-2025 school year. If your child attended a UGDSB school last year, you do not need ...Professional Activity Day Description: September 3, 2024
Information for Elementary and Secondary School Parents/Guardians. Elementary staff will spend the morning focusing on literacy, including structured literacy and targeted instruction, as well as focusing on a mentally healthy return to school. In the afternoon staff will review various policies related to health, safety and student well-being. Secondary staff will spend the morning focusing on literacy and STEM, including Curriculum review and implementation strategies, and Ministry course updates. In the afternoon staff will review various policies related to health, safety and student well-being.
Track & Field is Cancelled for Friday, June 21st.
Cancellation of Dufferin County Track and Field Meet Earlier this week, Environment Canada issued a heat warning for Dufferin County. This advisory provided warnings about health risks of being outside for prolonged periods of time. Schools have been asked to ...Celebrating Pride Month in the Upper Grand DSB
Dear Students, Parents/Guardians and UGDSB Community,This week, the Upper Grand District School Board is kicking off Pride Month. As we approach this important time, it’s essential that we come together to ensure our schools are supportive, inclusive spaces for all students.