Public Health Best Practices

Posted November 22, 2022

Best practices to promote healthy learning environments:Public Health

-Screen daily prior to arriving at school/work for symptoms
-Stay home if you are not feeling well.
-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provided (medical masks, eye protection, gowns, gloves etc.) including non-fit N95 and medical grade masks, eye protection for staff
-Continue to emphasize proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
-Alcohol-based hand rub is available throughout schools and buildings
-Daily cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces is continuing
-Monitor the use of standalone HEPA filters in all of our classrooms and learning spaces. Standalone HEPA units must be running in all occupied spaces where they are located
-Encourage the opening of windows where possible and maximizing the use of outdoor learning spaces
-Emphasize to staff, students and visitors the signs encouraging best practices related to preventative measures
-Direct families with questions to our board website for updates: keeping-ugdsb-schools-healthy-and-safe

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