News & Announcements

From all of us at June Avenue PS, we wish you a holiday season filled with laughter and joy, and very best wishes for the New Year. See you January 6th, 2020!

Posted December 20, 2019

  Image result for happy holidays    

Starting the Year Mindfully

Posted December 20, 2019

Starting a new year, coming off of a two week school break, new resolutions and on-going challenges are a few of the things we have on our plates in January.  There is a lot of research that has shown the power of mindfulness in reducing stress and anxiety, increasing mental ...

Monthly environmental activities to help celebrate our planet

Posted December 20, 2019

 JANUARY is the time to carry out your Eco Resolutions! “There will be more waste plastic in the sea than fish by 2050” Dame Ellen MacArthur It’s a brand new year and the perfect time for positive change. For example, let’s end plastic pollution. Based on the daily news, it’s never been ...


Posted December 2, 2019

Image result for family movie night Save the Date - Thursday, January 30th, 2020 Parent Council will be hosting a Family Movie Night! More details to come!  

School bus delays and cancellations

Posted December 2, 2019

Transportation to and from school is provided by Service de transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS). STWDSTS has inclement weather procedures for school buses which are common for all five school boards in the Wellington-Dufferin region. The decision to cancel buses is made by STWDSTS ...

Talking About Mental Health December 2018 – GIVE THE GIFT OF RESILIENCY

Posted December 2, 2019

As we head through December and towards the holidays, it is important to be aware that this can be a very exciting time of year, but for some it is also a difficult time of year. REMEMBER: eat well get good sleep don’t over schedule stay connected to family and friends ...

December 10th is HUMAN RIGHTS Day!

Posted December 2, 2019

Human Rights““You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” —Jane Goodall Celebrate Human Rights Day on ...

Do you have a child starting JK or SK in September 2020?

Posted November 19, 2019

The Upper Grand District School Board is hosting four Kindergarten registration INFORMATION nights in November and December 2019.

Bully Prevention Week

Posted November 15, 2019

June Avenue will recognize Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week during Nov 18th to Nov 22nd. We will have special announcements, class activities and on Tuesday November 19th we will all wear Pink!Shirt, Pink, T-Shirt, Jersey, Tee, Front, Fashion

Sock it to me!

Posted November 15, 2019

Sock it to me! Helping Hands Global InitiativeSocks, Warm, Colorful, Winter, Cosy  The June Avenue Helping Hands Club has teamed up with the One By One charitable organization to support two rural Guatemalan communities, 20th of ...
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