Student Supports
Co-Curricular Events, Clubs & Teams
Attendance Notes for ODSS Students:
- Notes can be sent to school and dropped off at the front office,
- or you can send an attendance note by email to the school
- or call our Attendance Secretary at 519-941-0491, ext. 258
Please include:
- your name and a phone number where we can reach you,
- the student’s full name and the date of the absence,
- the reason for the absence, and
- if the student was absent for less than a full day, include the times/classes you are excusing.
Codes for on-line attendance: P-Present, A-Unexcused Absence, F-School Excused (i.e. field trip), E-Parent Excused (note or call received from parent), L-Late
Remember that you can check your child’s attendance on-line.