Return to In-Person Learning

Posted January 14, 2022

We are looking forward to welcoming our students back on Monday, January 17th.  

Please take a minute to review the information below and share with your child/ren:

Student Health and Safety Reminders

  • All families are reminded to complete the COVID-19 School Screening before leaving for school.  Schools will verify that student screening has taken place each day
  • All students (JK-Grade 12+) are required to wear a mask or face covering when in school or on a school transportation vehicle, unless a valid medical mask exemption is approved.  Students will be provided with three-layer cloth masks to add to their current supply of reusable masks. Please continue to send extra for your child
  • Students are asked to arrive as close to 8:40am as possible. When students arrive at school they are to line up in their assigned class lines
  • Students and families are discouraged from congregating in groups before or after school and should maintain distance from others while walking to and from school
  • We ask that each household limit themselves to 1 parent/guardian accompanying children and we encourage mask wearing on school property
  • Students are required to cohort during recess and outdoor breaks to limit contacts as much as possible during this period – we are hopeful that this will be a temporary measure
  • Teachers will work to ensure outdoor mask breaks for students

Safe Arrival Program

If your child is going to be absent or late for school, please contact the school prior to 8:30 am. We have an answering machine which allows you to call the school at any time, day or night.

Students Riding the Bus

Students will wear masks while on the bus. There will continue to be a seating plan for students riding the bus. The operator of the bus will be wearing PPE.  Students will be directed to their class lines once they arrive.

Late Arrival

Students who arrive late will come through the front door and check in at the office. 

Lunch Procedures

  • Wash hands/sanitize before and after eating
  • No sharing food
  • Use water bottles and filling stations.  Water fountains will be closed for drinking
  • Students eat at their individual station in their own classrooms
  • Physical distancing must be maintained during eating 
  • Students will be asked to take home their recyclables and unfinished food
  • Students will put on masks when they are finished eating
  • At this time, students will not be permitted to go off-site for lunch

Recess Information

We will continue with a staggered recess break and lunch. We will be returning to recess zones.  This means students must play only with members of their class cohort in a designated outdoor space.

End of Day Procedures

  • Students will exit the school using the same doors they use to enter the building
  • 1 parent/guardian will wait outside on the school yard for their child/ren and adhere to physical distancing protocols.  Wearing a face mask is recommended.

Communication with the School

Communication between school and home will continue to be very important.  We will use the school website and email as a means to share important school and board information.  As items come up, they will be posted in our News and Announcements section of the school website.  Please continue to check both the board and the school websites: and 

Classroom teachers will continue to use GoogleClassroom to support home and school communication. 

Access to the School

Only essential visitors are permitted inside the school (e.g., maintenance personnel).  All parents and visitors will not be permitted inside schools during the pandemic, except in case of emergency. 

Chromebook and SEA Computers to be Returned:

We are pausing on the return of Chromebooks at this time.  If your child has a SEA Computer please return.

Temporary Remote Learning

Please see the board website for additional information on the elementary temporary remote option: UGDSB launching temporary remote option for elementary students once in-person learning resumes (Upper Grand District School Board) 


We will continue to share information and updates with the William C. Winegard community as it becomes available.   Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.

William C. Winegard PS

Categories: News