News & Announcements

Professional Activity Day Description – Oct. 27, 2023

Posted October 5, 2023

Date: October 27, 2023 Length: Full Day Topic 1: AM – Workplace Violence Prevention Training Entity Hosting: Upper Grand DSB Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): School Administrators and Online Modules Description: Staff will spend the morning completing mandatory Workplace Violence Prevention Training on the board’s Online Learning Platform. This is self-directed learning made of online modules for staff to work through independently. Topic 2: PM – Progress ...

Information about the Student Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy – Strategic Framework 2023-2026

Posted October 3, 2023

GUELPH, ON – The Upper Grand District School Board has launched the Student Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy – Strategic Framework 2023-2026. This framework looks at the Foundations and Guiding Principles and establishes key Priority Areas.   The Principles and Foundations guide the development, implementation, and monitoring of the ...

Inspiring Engagement with Parents & School Councils – UGDSB PIC invites you to its fall event

Posted September 18, 2023

GUELPH, Ontario – The Upper Grand District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is inviting UG parents/guardians to join them at the free PIC event on October 25, 2023. Whether you are currently part of a school council or are looking to become more involved in your child’s school, this opportunity ...

Supports for students, staff and members of the Muslim community

Posted September 15, 2023

As a united UGDSB community, we are unwavering in our commitment to identifying and dismantling all forms of racism and oppression. Our dedication also extends to specifically addressing Islamophobia. We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community. We acknowledge the profound impact of the tragic loss of members of the Afzal ...

Back to school 2023-24: School operations and health and safety information

Updated August 30, 2023

The Upper Grand District School Board looks forward to welcoming all students, staff and families this September. Please see below for important school operations and health and safety information. In-Person Learning We are looking forward to welcoming back the majority of our students to in-person learning for the 2023-24 school year.  We have a ...

Elementary Registration Day is just around the corner – Here’s what you need to know

Posted August 24, 2023

Elementary Registration Day is happening August 29, 2023, between 1:00-4:00 p.m., at all Upper Grand District School Board elementary schools. Only new students to the UGDSB are required to register for the 2023-24 school year. If your child attended a UGDSB school last year, you do not need to re-register. Please register at your local school. To determine which school your child is eligible to attend, visit the UGDSB’s School Locator.

Professional Activity Day Description – Sept. 18, 2023

Updated August 28, 2023

Kindergarten to Grade 3 teachers will receive professional learning on early reading instruction, universal design for learning, and screening. to ensure educators are prepared to support their students in a manner consistent with the recommendations in the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read report for the full school year. Additionally, staff will focus on the implementation of the new Language curriculum in grades 1 – 8 and on embedding high yield strategies in reading across the various subject curriculum areas. In Secondary schools, teachers will continue professional development on the de-streamed grade 9 course and on effective practices for teaching reading across various subject areas. Furthermore, enhancing teacher efficacy in supporting students to consolidate foundation knowledge and skills in Grade 9 destreamed English will be a focus of this professional learning time.

June 2023 policy updates in the Upper Grand DSB

Posted June 14, 2023

At the June 13, 2023, UGDSB Board meeting, the following policy items were approved. All updates have been made on the board website (

School Council Meeting

Posted June 13, 2023

Please join us at our School Council meeting tonight, Tuesday June 13 at 7:00 in the staff room. Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 226-317-4662‬ PIN: ‪706 459 235‬#
More phone numbers:

Information: Air quality due to forest fires

Posted June 7, 2023

Environment Canada has issued a Special Air Quality Statement that covers all of Dufferin and Wellington. Smoke from local forest fires as well as forest fires in Quebec have resulted in deteriorated air quality. Poor air quality may persist throughout the week. We are monitoring the situation closely and are providing Environment Canada guidance to all schools.

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