Staff in DP


Group 1: Language and Literature 

Ms. Bolton, Ms. Koch, Ms. Krete, Ms. Lawrenson, Mr. Matchett, Ms. Westermann

Group 2: Language B

SL French: Mr. Boniface, Ms. Borges, Ms. Yankulov

Spanish ab initio: Ms. Popoca

German ab initio: Ms. Viola

Group 3: Individuals and Societies 

HL Economics: Mr. Conti, Ms Nicholson

HL History: Mr. Mullen, Mr. Howie

HL Psychology:  Ms. Goodreau, Ms. Hernandez, Mr. Ritter, Ms. Roche

Group 4: Sciences

SL Physics: Mr. MacNeill

SL/HL Biology: Mr. Robinson, Ms. Warren

SL/HL Chemistry: Ms. Bowland, Mr. Maggs, Ms. Turner, Ms. Yankulov

Group 5: Mathematics

SL Math AA: Mr. Dallan, Mr. Snell, Ms. Stewart

Sl Math AI: Ms. Powers

Group 6: The Arts

HL Theatre: Ms. Bergen

HL Music: Mr. Austin

HL Art: Ms. Bell, Ms. Muscat

Theory of Knowledge (Core)

Mr. Howie, Mr. MacDonald, Ms. Snell, Ms. Zahnd

Helpful Links for Teachers at GCVI
InThinking – IB Teaching Resource (need subscription)